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在某种意义上,这并不稀奇。In a sense, this is nothing new.

您的孙子,寄上一张稀奇的卡片。A special card from your gra fantasticdson.

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他们认为什么是有趣的或是稀奇的?What do they think is interesting or funny?

并不经常觉得出租车来早了,更稀奇地是,我还会给某人留了号码。It's even rarer I give someone my direct number.

你定然想不到他们是怎样一个稀奇的民族。Thou canst not think how strange a people they are.

树树也打针,相当稀奇。流感!Tree tree injections, rather surprising. Influenza!

显著的失败结果,反是稀奇的胜利。This apparent defeat resulted in a miraculous victory.

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而如今,我们觉得呆在家里煮饭反倒是件很稀奇的事了。Now, we consider it a rare treat to stay home and cook.

四个镜头记录了这种稀奇蛇类的滑翔。Four cameras recorded the curious snakes as they glided.

稀奇的是,执着的人们如何反咬一口。It’s funny how people’s obsessions come back to bite them.

我很早就离开办公室,没有什嫫么稀奇。There is nothing unusual about my leaving the office early.

但是到了互联网时代,匿名性是个稀奇的事情。But until the age of the Internet, anonymity was a rare thing.

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弗兰克·珀曼说,给死去的人打电话并不算稀奇。Frank Perman says phone calls to the dead aren’t that uncommon.

瓶子喜欢新鲜、技术含量高的稀奇事。Aquarians like anything different, new, technological or progressive.

稀奇的是,几乎欧洲每个角落的左派势力都在衰退。The oddity is that almost everywhere the European left is in decline.

两个人坐在一棵大树下,说起自己家乡的稀奇事。Two men sitting under a tree, wandering thoughts about their own home.

他看见有东西坐在长板凳上。他以为那是一只非常稀奇的鸟!He sees something sitting on a bench. He thinks it is a very funny bird!

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这并不稀奇,那些人为什么会超重而且十分胖。It's not surprising that these folks weighed more and had larger waists.

他在那种情况下对佛教产生兴趣并不稀奇。Untypically for a man in that situation he became interested in Buddhism.

不稀奇。这仅仅是一个窗口的形式等,是什么让特别的?Nothing unusual. It is just a windowed form so what is so special about it?