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北海北端的亭台楼阁。Pavilions at the northern end of Pei Hai.

这也有一些亭台楼阁、庙宇宝塔是用金和玉石制成的。There are also many pavilions, pagodas and towers made of gold or jade.

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不要像往常那样在亭台楼阁间散步,你要着一不同的角度去欣赏。Take a little different approach than the usual stroll through the pavilions.

沿着湖边漫步,但见阳光下垂柳依依,湖水碧绿如蓝,亭台楼阁的影子倒映于湖水之中。Walking along the lake, I saw willows bowing in shiness. The water is so blue.

豫园有30多个亭台楼阁,风格似苏州园林。The Garden, reminiscent of those in Suzhou, features more than 30 halls and pavilions.

宋元年间,义乌人在湖边建造亭台楼阁,种植花草树木。In Song-Yuan era, Yiwu people began building houses and planting trees around the lake.

山上松桧丛生,丁香溢彩,亭台楼阁依山而建,雕栋画廊绿树掩映。Hui-song in the mountains to crop up over lilac color , pavilions hillside, carved-dong Gallery shade trees.

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在这片山谷里,有山中老人海森班莎所培植的美丽的花园,花园里,有孤立的亭台楼阁。In this valley were magnificent gardens planted by Hassen-ben-Sabah, and in these gardens isolated pavilions.

在圆明园中有许多亭台楼阁、假山异石、花坛苗圃和蜿蜒流水。It included dozens of small pavilions and garden buildings, rare rocks, artificial hills, banks of flowers and sinuous streams.

他们站在拱桥上,在传统的亭台楼阁中品茗,在覆盖着荷叶的湖上划着租来的小船。They stand on the arched bridges, sip tea in traditional pavilions and paddle away in hired boats through the lotus leaf-covered lakes.

在主堂的后面向右拐是祝福花园,装饰着色彩鲜艳的亭台楼阁,之字形的桥,以及人工池塘。Behind the main temple and to the right are the Good Wish Gardens, replete with colourful pavilions, zigzag bridges and artificial ponds.

研究亭台楼阁界画的美学思想对现代园林设计的影响具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。The study of the aesthetics thought of pavilions boundary drawing has great theoretical and practical significance to the modern garden design.

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虽然没有亲自去实地细览西湖的每一景点,但是照片中美丽的西子湖畔的亭台楼阁、湖光山色,足以给我留下深刻的印象。And now , I took some pictures about West Lake, from one of my best friends who had been there. For that we I can share our feeling of relaxing.

中国很多风景区,山水花草、亭台楼阁色彩优美无比。Many scenic spots in China with mountains, waters, flowers, grass and pavilions, tower Buildings and terraces have Beautiful colours unparalleled.

俞的中学老师用一个小时的时间骑自行车来到俞的家里,讲述什么是作为帝王艺术的“园林”,亭台楼阁、流水和假山美景。Yu's teacher cycled for an hour to explain "landscape gardening" as the art of emperors, comprising beautiful pavilions, waterfalls and rockeries.

此情此景,我乘着一叶小舟走过江南,一袭青衣将水墨色的亭台楼阁映衬地更加写意。Under these circumstances, I take a small boat across the south of the Yangtze River, a green water ink pavilions, terraces and open halls against more enjoyable.

从大里路新建的高楼上鸟瞰大里旧街路,鹰架框中突出众矮房的亭台楼阁,就是大里旧时林姓大地主的家。This is a bird's-eye view of the old section of Tali. Most of the low buildings seen through the scaffolding belong to the Lin family, who are big local landowners.

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罗俊德创作作品近千件,绘制内容涉及人物、山水、亭台楼阁、动物、花鸟、草虫等。Luo has created nearly a thousand gourd pyrography works, which display characters, landscape, pavilions, animals, flowers, birds, grass, insects, and other objects.

很多时候,词人都将作品题写在亭台楼阁、驿站邮亭、僧寺道观的墙壁及桥梁道路的柱石上,供来往行人观览传播。The authors were often likely to write their works on the walls of pavilions, ancient post-houses, temples and houses for Taoist and stones beside bridges and roads.

园里有三十多处各不相同的迷人景色,如池塘、亭台楼阁和人工堆砌的假山等。这里保存着珍贵的文化遗产。There are more than 30 places of distinctive and fascinating scenes like ponds, chambers, pavilions and artificial rockeries . Here rare and precious cultural relics are kept.