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她在背地里对他造谣中伤。She slandered him behind his back.

据说他背地里跟两个女人有关系。It is said he has secert love affairs with two women.

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你从其他人口中得知这女孩背地里对他不忠。You hear from other people that she's cheating on him.

我简直不相信卡尔竟是那样在背地里说我的坏话呀。I can't believe that Carl would bad-mouth me like that.

这些虚伪的官绅背地里做尽了坏事。This hypocritical bureaucrat has done many bad things secretly.

听人家背地里谈论,孔乙己原来也读过书。I'd heard people say behind his back that Kong Yiji had studied.

关于阿波罗是否在背地里偷听诗人的演说。that Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet's discourse.

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他是个暗敌,外貌上装作是你的朋侪,背地里却在诽谤你。While pretending to be your friend, he was slandering you behind your back.

正当这个少女使阿修罗心烦意乱的时候,天神们背地里喝了甘露。The damsel distracted the Asuras, while the Devas secretly drank the Nectar.

我看得出威尔逊为惹我生气而乐不可支,而且常常在背地里笑话我。I could see that Wilson enjoyed making me angry, and he used to laugh at me secretly.

他们表面讲什么民主政治,背地里搞他妈的阴谋诡计。They talked about so-called democracy all the time, but privately make fucking intrigue.

有人便在背地里把他黄黄而灰白的头发叫做“金子里掺白银”呢!Someone then put in a corner he yellow yellow and grey hair is called "gold mixed silver in"!

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我也不假装不强硬,因此你会认为我实际上背地里是强硬的。And I’m not pretending to be not tough so you’ll think that really I secretly am tough either.

研究人员的结论是,这种背地里的说长道短对团队的生存也许起到至关重要的作用。The researchers concluded that such behind-the-back chatter may be essential for group survival.

欧利受此想法所感染,同意帮助他,但背地里却决定自己使用这个计划。Ory, impressed by the idea, agrees to help but secretly resolves to use the plan for his own ends.

他是那种当面胁肩谄笑。背地里造谣中伤的人。He was the kind of person who would flatter you to your face, and then slander you behind your back.

但我也同样的惊恐,我害怕发现我所知的一切都是错误的,我背地里希望这不会发生。But I'm equally terrified of finding out that everything I know is wrong, and secretly hope that I don't.

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表面上没人敢得罪你,在背地里使绊子的会更多。The superficial nobody dares to give misdemeanour to you and make in the behind floor Ban son of will be more.

他背地里花钱,为要人们相信他神通广大,有权有势。Lee is a person who would spend money secretly to make people believe he was infinitely capable and influential.

第二.南亚地区明面上对中国的软实力扩张表示欢迎,背地里也在暗暗提升自己的硬实力。Second, that a region that publicly welcomes China's soft power is also quietly tooling up for the hard version.