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一个方程两未知数。One equation with two unknowns.

佩林和赫卡比还是未知数。Palin and Huckabee are the unknowns.

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试求出下面的未知数。Calculate the unknown in the following.

至于以后关系如何还是个未知数。How close they will get remains to be seen.

现在是两个等式里有两个未知数。Now I have two equations with two unknowns.

通过已知数可以算出未知数。The unknown number can be calculated from the data.

阿根廷是这届世界杯上的一个未知数。Argentina are the unknown package of this World Cup.

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两院能否达成妥协尚是未知数。It's unclear if the two chambers will reach a compromise.

英国鲜奶供应的将来还是未知数。The future of the UK fresh milk supply is in no way secure.

对尚蒂来说外面的世界完全是个未知数。To shanti the outside world was a totally unknown quantity.

但对抗真菌治疗是否有效,仍是未知数。It is not known whether SAFS responds to antifungal therapy.

而且,俱乐部之后是否还会欠薪,这也是未知数。Moreover, it will be wages after the club, which is unknown.

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一个方程有两未知数,无法解出来。I have one equation with two unknowns so I can't solve it yet.

我们最好先别告诉她。未来还是个未知数呢。We'd better not tell her yet. The future hang in the banlance.

这就得到两方程两未知数,这是可解的。Now I have two equations with two unknowns and now I can solve.

未来的几年,我们将面对一个变化多端、充满未知数的世界。The next few years will bring more rapid changes and surprises.

不过,交易数量能否回到从前的高位还是个未知数。But it is unclear when dealmaking might return to previous highs.

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充实今天的生活,昨曰已成过去,明天还是未知数。Enrich your life today. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.

纽约区这个储存室能容纳多少二氧化碳还是个未知数。It's unknown how much the New York City-area reservoir could hold.

另一方面,阿奎拉尼是否有资格参加本赛季的欧联杯比赛还是个未知数。Whether Aquilani can play in the Europa League or not remains to be seen.