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但风力发电并不完美。But it’s not perfect.

为什么选择风力发电?B. Why Choose Wind Power?

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世界最大的陆上风力发电场World's Biggest On-Shore Wind Farm

但风力发电的未来前景可能位于地下。But the future of wind power may be underground.

风力发电在有稳定的风力的地区是非常经济实用的。Wind power is most economical in areas with steady winds.

“绿色能源法”的另一个主要参与者是风力发电行业。Another major player in the "Green Energy Act" is the windmill sector.

马普托政府使用我们的20KW风力发电系统供电给当地医院。Maputo government uses our 20KW wind turbine system to power hospitals.

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南澳风力发电场游览区位于东半岛果老山脉。South Australian wind farm in East Peninsula Resort old fruit mountains.

太阳能逆变器是光伏风力发电系统的核心部件。Solar photovoltaic wind power inverter is the core of the system components.

我国丰富的风能资源与风力扶持政策,促进着风力发电的应用与发展。The developing upsurge of wind power generation has rose in whole worldwide.

在德克萨斯州西部和这一锅柄地带,风力发电业已开始展开行动。Then the wind industry started to take hold in west Texas and the panhandle.

风力机模拟是在实验室环境下研究风力发电的前提。Wind power can be completed by aid of wind turbine simulation in a laboratory.

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今年年底我更有机会亲身到汕尾的风力发电场参观,相信一定会大开眼界。At the end of this year, I will have the chance to visit a wind farm in Shanwei.

风力发电的鹜问题之一就是风一停止,发电机就立刻停止旋转。For one problem with wind is that if it stops blowing, the turbines stop turning.

目前,基于风力发电的大规模并网发电项目正在实施中。At present, a project based on wind power in large scale grid-connected is ongoing.

这个位于斯勘的纳维亚半岛的小国当时也在鼓励私人企业从事风力发电。The small Scandinavian nation also was building its commercial wind power business.

工业有机械、纺织、皮革、建材、风力发电等。Industrial machinery, textiles, leather, construction materials, such as wind power.

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由于风力发电场Q7天生就是一个真实的全才,证明模型是一个完美的调整。Since the Q7 innately is a true all-rounder, it proves to be a perfect tuning model.

设计了基于矩阵变换器的双馈电机变速恒频风力发电系统。Matrix converter is designed based on VSCF doubly-fed machine wind generation system.

他们的下一步将是进行海洋风力发电场的模拟,并使其更准确。Their next step is to address how to simulate ocean-based wind farms more accurately.