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这是消防演习。This is a fire drill.

进行消防演习并报告。Execute a fire drill and report.

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套装包括消防船及橡皮艇!Set includes Fire Ship and dinghy!

右甲板连到消防栓皮龙管破损。Hoses to hydrants in main deck cut.

你家有一个消防通道…You have a fire exit in your house.

本周将会有一次消防演习。There will be a fire drill this week.

消防演习中会发生怎样的状况?What may happen during the fire drill?

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消防演习期间可能会发生什么?What may happen during the fire-drill?

消防系统正在待命。Fire extinguishing systems standing by.

你应该降低消防设施花费。You should lower fire service expenses.

右甲板连到消防栓皮龙管破损。Hoses to hydrants in starboard deck worn.

检查饭店会议场所消防通道是否被堵?Are the meeting room fire escapes blocked?

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消防员也教导孩子们消防工作。Firemen also teach kids about fire fighting.

个人劳动防护用品管理和消防管理。PPE management and fire fighting management.

是否有定期的消防演习?Are fire drills conducted on a regular basis?

从格兰奇镇赶来的消防人员把大火扑灭了。Fire crews from Grangetown put out the blaze.

也许消防和硫磺和威胁的地狱。Maybe fire and brimstone and threats of Hell.

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有一个市的乐高港消防应急!There's a fire emergency in LEGO CITY harbor!

今天早上什么时候会有一次消防演习。There'll be a fire drill sometime this morning.

整个建筑内的消防系统。Fire extinguisher systems all over the building.