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石板路,马头墙,青灰瓦,朱漆梁。Stone Road, Ma Tau wallwatts, red lacquer beam.

眶满以后,那眼泪便沿着他青灰的面颊流了下来。When the eyelid was full, the tear trickled down his livid cheek.

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他家新房的墙面是用青灰上的色。The wall surfaces of his new house were brushed with greenish lime.

阀杆罗纹,经常与阀杆螺丝帽摩擦,排气阀排泥阀要涂一点黄干油、二硫化钼或者青灰粉,起润滑效用。Stem threads, often with the stem nut friction, to a little yellow dry coating oil, molybdenum disulfide or graphite, a lubricant.

跟着小颜,我们在这片青灰的宅院间穿行。如果没有他,我们一定会困在这如同迷宫一般的古宅里,找不到来时的道路。We followed Xiao Yan through the gray compound. Without him, we would have been stranded in that maze, unable to find the way by which we had come.

我们绕青灰高墙走,一路听见狗在窝里尖叫,走着走着到了另一扇大门,是行政楼的门。We walked along its high grey outer wall, hearing the dogs scream in the kennels, and came to its other gate, which was the Administration building gate.

该款地板没有惯性认知中的图纹,没有凹凸有致的表面效果,搭上青灰的渐变色,使其拥有了卓尔不群的冷俊性格。The floor did not inertia in the pattern of cognitive, not a convex surface of the results, catch the Qinghui graded color, the right way to have the Lengjun character.

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一楼正厅旋梯的青灰,钢琴与茶几连同靠垫的深啡色,钢琴背后的灰与白的并行,将心情尽可能调得很淡很淡。Xuanti the schungite hall on the first floor, the piano and side tables with pillows dark brown, grey and white piano behind parallel to the mood as very short-very short.

陶瓷结合剂白刚玉磨具会出现白里显红、红黄、青灰色调,严重影响产品的外观质量。The white alumina abrasives made with vitrified bond may show red in white, red -yellow or celadon-gray. This will influence on the appearance quality of the products seriously.

这种砖是比以前北京城墙砖小一号的灰色青砖,砖与砖之间的缝隙也将按照传统工艺以白灰、青灰填充。This brick wall is small compared with the previous 1st Beijing grey brick, slabs and the gaps between the slabs will be in accordance with traditional crafts to black, schungite recharge.