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所以,墙纸和墙布的维护和保养是关键。Therefore, wallpapers and Qiangbu maintenance and maintenance is the key.

对亚麻大提花墙布织物的开发和该类产品的设计要点进行探讨。Discussing about the design of linen jacquard pattern for wall furnishing fabric.

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墙布和覆盖在墙面的涂料层上要有醒目的水平图案。Wall cloth and enclothe there should be striking horizontal pattern on the coating layer of metope.

另外,研究结果指出各种类型的室内塑胶墙布皆值得进一步分析研究。The results "warrant further attention to the types of plastic materials used in interior decoration."

结果表明,该产品各项性能指标值优于普通墙布水平。The results showed that each performance index of the product was better than that of ordinary wall covering.

该公司是一家专业设计、生产、销售家纺面料软装修墙布公司。The company is a specialized company in designing , producing and selling on furnishing fabric and wall cloth.

在选择墙布时,还要注重表面不要有抽丝、跳丝的现象。When choosing wall cloth, notice the surface does not have reel off raw silk from cocoons even, jump filar phenomenon.

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我们面向全国装饰公司和设计单位及一些海外项目提供墙纸,墙布等销售服务。We face the national decoration companies and design units and some overseas projects with wallpaper, Qiangbu sales service.

整体空间色调主要采用文雅静谧的浅色调,主要由木饰面,白色乳胶漆,墙布,钛金拉丝不锈钢等主材构成。Gentle and quiet tints are used as the main tone of the overall space, which is mainly made of wood veneer, white latex paint, wall cloth and titanium wire.

对亚麻大提花墙布织物的开发和该类产品的设计要点进行探讨。Discussing about the design of linen jacquard pattern for wall furnishing fabric. As well as talking about the key points of the designing for the products of the same kinds.

当游客经过U形通道,他们的图像将被反射到两边的墙布上,似乎他们在天空中飞翔,又像在绿色世界里起舞。When visitors pass through the U-type channel, their images will be projected on the curve walls on both sides, as if they were flying in the sky, or rendering in the green world.

公司本着合作、创新、共赢的理念,打造引领国际流行的墙纸、墙布产品,努力追求成为世界顶尖品牌。Company in line with the cooperation and innovation and win-win idea, makes leading international popular wall paper, wall cloth products, striving to become the world's top brand.