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他用毛巾拉锯般擦背。He sawed the towel across his back.

他象拉锯那样用刀切面包。He sawed at the loaf of bread with his knife.

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约翰很少打呼噜的,但是昨天晚上他的呼噜就像是拉锯。John rarely snores, but last night he really started sawing some logs!

有些人刷牙象拉锯,也就是横着刷。The some people brushes teeth the elephant pulls to saw, and also be thwart brush.

“空城计”上演了一场作品与观者之间的拉锯运动。The Empty City Trick presents a kind of seesaw movement between the works and the viewers.

一会对方队员被拉过来一会我们班的队员又被拖过去像拉锯似的。While the other team was pulled in a while our class team dragged past like a seesaw like.

这种拉锯式的讨价还价,对双方来说是一种毅力和耐心的较量。This dyadic higgling of dragsaw , to both sides be one kind of stamina and patient arguing.

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打鼾者有时会被自己拉锯般的响声弄醒,但一般也就几秒钟。Loud snorers can wake themselves up with their own log-sawing sounds, but only for a few seconds.

在这场和进食障碍进行拉锯赛的漫长日子里,坚定的支持和帮助是不可或缺的。Healing from any kind of eating disorder is a long-term process that requires a great deal of support.

出生在巴西的前锋球员阿毛里,在经过了漫长的转会拉锯战后,在夏季转会从帕勒莫来到了尤文图斯。The Brazilian-born hit-man signed for Juventus this summer after exploding onto the Serie A scene with Palermo.

米德尔顿以前还在一家电子拉锯配件部门工作,但是后来辞去工作加入了父母的公司。Miss Middleton previously worked in the accessories department of Jigsaw but left the job to join her parents' firm.

双人竖拉大锯一种锯木头的大锯,一人站在木头上,一人站在坑内一起拉锯。A large headsaw for cutting logs, operated jointly by a person standing above the log and another in a pit underneath.

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但在2008年,印第安纳是一个拉锯州,因此,媒体很可能要等到那里所有投票站关闭后才会宣布结果。But in 2008, Indiana is a battleground state, so networks might wait until the remaining polls close to announce a victor.

我犹记得那些过去美好的日子,在长时间的国会拉锯后,共和民主两党可以相聚言欢。I remember good old days when Republicans and Democrats would go out for drinks and dinner after a long day on Capitol Hill.

因此,在纷纷冲向为数不多的几个"拉锯州"的候选人的竞选日程上,三分之二的州成为一带而过的地方。Two-thirds of the states have thus become fly-over territory as the candidates rush to the dwindling band of “swing” states.

托比和我互相注视着,屋子四周静悄悄地,只有父亲从楼下工作间传来的轻柔的拉锯声。Toby and I looked at each other, the house around us silent except for the gentle scritch of Father sawing downstairs in his workshop.

而且这种博弈还多了一层李碧华原著小说的“女性自恋”和陈凯歌电影“男性依恋”的拉锯。Besides, this game generated a "saw" between "female narcissism" in LiBihua's original novel and "male attachment" in ChenKaige's film.

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因此,如果四个月后德国的增长率有所放缓,然后重又上演相互指责的拉锯游戏,一点也不要大惊小怪。Therefore, it should not come as a surprise if in another four months Germany's growth rate has decelerated and the blame game resumed.

说完,他又把书夺了回去,我不由分说把书又抢了过来,就这样,我俩像拉锯似的把这书抢来抢去。Say that finish, and he took the book back, I not from cent say the book and robbed come, so, we like see-saw like this book rob to steal.

那些选举结果难以预测的州──被称为拉锯州或摇摆州──往往成为两党候选人集中资源的争夺之地。Those states that are too hard to predict -- known as battleground or swing states -- tend to be the focus of many of the resources of both campaigns.