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阿波罗是月神和诗神。Apollo was the god of music and poetry.

爱尔兰人非常喜欢音乐和诗。The Irish are very found of music and poems.

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这种风格并不常见,其中还交替出现了散文和诗节。The style is unusual, being alternately written in prose and verse.

本书的主角是斯布莱勒和诗诗,他们是视觉大发现电视秀节目中的角色人物。This book features Spyler and CeCe, characters from the I Spy TV show.

他将几首和诗放在了自己的个人网页上。He wrote several poems in reply to other poems on his personal homepage.

早上和俊哥、睫毛老、和诗雨兄聚了一聚,一起还拍了不少照片…In the morning, some of my classmates got together and took many photos.

韦应物的人格转换和诗风的形成有多重因素和渐进过程。Many factors finally caused the transformation of Wei Yingwus moral quality.

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这黑话,不管你同意不同意,是有它的语法和诗律的。Slang, whether the public admit the fact or not has its syntax and its poetry.

我悔恨自己的人生没有选择音乐,美术,文学和诗。I regret that my choice of life does not include music, literature, and poetry.

于兴宗“朝中知友”的唱和诗大部分都属于题画诗。Much of Close Friends in the Royal Court by Yu Xinzhong is poems with drawings.

东方美学有独特的思维方式和诗性的理论系统。Oriental aesthetics has its unique thinking mode and poetic theoretical system.

安徒生藉由帮一家当地的杂志撰写剧本和诗而开始他的写作生涯。Andersen began his writing career by writing plays and poems for a local journal.

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甚至在某种意义上来说,形状的作用和诗的长度是成反比例的。To some degree, the role of shape and the length are in inverse proportion in a poem.

他的父母是二胡和诗琴的专家,这可以帮助他更好的发展它音乐上的兴趣。His parents are experts at erhu and lute , which helped him to develop his interest in music.

但是,散文和诗可以互补,两者的美质可以交叉融合,从而衍生出散文诗。However, prose and poetry can be complementary, both cross-Fusion Beauty can thus derive prose.

其实这和诗本身并没有关系,但是我们假设它和诗是关联的。Well--okay. This has nothing to do with the text, we say, and yet at the same time suppose it did.

中国古代历来注重乐教和诗教在道德方面的重要作用。In China, teaching in music and poetry has always played a vital role in people's moral development.

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这种特殊的处理可以见出编者敏锐的诗“体”意识和诗“史”意识。The classification showed the compiler's keen consciousness of the "style" and "history" of the poetry.

欣赏古典园林,应先欣赏其意境美和诗画文化。So appreciating the Chinese Classic Garden needs appreciating the cultural of poems and paintings at first.

唱和诗在文学史上的最大价值就在于使日常生活诗意化。Antiphon poetry poetize everyday life, and maybe it is their ultimate significant value in literary history.