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他们的保险标的是什么What do they insure?

您要保价/保险吗?Do you want to insure it?

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那如何去推销保险呢?How to promote insurance?

我要为自己的住宅保险。I want to insure my house.

难道不像美国一样上保险吗like they are in the U.S.?

我有旅行平安保险。I have travelers insurance.

什么是租赁者的保险?。What Is Renter's Insurance?

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先谈谈货物保险吧。First about cargo insurance.

扩大了工伤保险适用范围。Insurance coverage expanded.

你是否有足额或过多的保险?Do you have enough? Too much?

保险搭扣扣不上。The safety catch won't clasp.

我要为自己的住宅保险。I want to insure my residence.

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投保地址是否有夹万或保险库?Is there a safe or strongroom?

我的医疗保险没有包括沙拉。Salad isn't covered by my HMO.

这是你们的保险政策。This is your insurance policy.

选哪项投资或保险?Which investment or insurance?

无穷保险清障车。" Infinity Insurance "smashed.

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现在他们没有保险了。Now they are without insurance.

哪里能买旅游客保险?Where can I buy some insurance?

这项汽车保险是强制性的。The car insurance is compulsory.