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钱生钱,需要本钱。It takes money to make money.

汤姆·金的本钱是经验。King's chief asset was experience.

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这是KEC讨价讨价地一年夜本钱。This is a great bargain KEC capital.

你们全数代价都是本钱加运费安全费代价。All your prices are on C. I. F. basis.

要是我能够,我是愿意的。不过本钱太高。I would if I could-but cost is too high.

公司物流政策本钱的设定。Logistics company policy setting of capital.

该产品一年就可收回本钱。看看真丝面料特点。This product will pay its own way in a year.

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利蒂霞没有任何本钱可以与这种美貌相比拟。Latitia had nothing to show resembling such beauty.

你也可能不确定是否能捞回本钱。And you may not be sure that you will get the money back.

为了有更多的财富,你不一定要有很多的本钱。You don’t have to have a lot of money to make more money.

小伙子,学几招后,扳回本钱就行了。Young man, learn a few strokes, draw capital on the line.

L2TP具有本钱低、自动权、互通性等长处。L2TP with lower cost and interoperability initiative, etc.

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年轻是本钱,但不努力就不值钱。Youth is fortune. But, without struggle it is just unvalued.

下本钱的时候,已经是奋斗的过程了。Time of putting up capital, have been the struggling process.

但是,LZ你要知道,身体是革命的本钱。But, LZ you need to know , the body is the revolution capital.

他为了挽救这个企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部本钱。He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.

“肯定,”我说,“这句话是它唯一的本钱。Doubtless, ' said I, 'what it utters is its only stock and store.

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钱能生钱。没本钱又怎能挣年夜钱那?Money begets money. Without money in hand how can you make bundles?

有人说我疯了,一个南方小丑在捞政治本钱。Some people say I'm crazy, southern caricature seeking higher office.

由于本钱的思索,客户使用铜中继模块。Due to cost considerations, the customer uses Copper Passthru Modules.