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她现在变得胖乎乎的。She is beginning to plump out now.

在苹果星球里,住着一条胖乎乎的肉虫子。There is a fat worm living in this planet.

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你们看到那朵云了吗,那边那朵胖乎乎的?You all see that cloud, that fat one there?

我喜欢圣尼古拉斯,你可以践履这位胖乎乎的圣诞老人。I like St. Nicholas. You can keep chubby Santa.

他胖乎乎的双臂搂住文森特的脖子。He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent's neck.

打开包,里面是一个胖乎乎的黑红木雕小象。There was a small, fat black mahogany elephant in it.

有一只胖乎乎要下崽的猫躲进了我的车库。There is a fat pregnant cat who sneaks into my garage.

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但是今天胖乎乎的圣诞老人不会给穷人孩子礼物。But today’s chubby Santa is not about giving to the poor.

两只胖乎乎的巴哥犬在地上嗅来嗅去。Two Chinese pugs were sniffing here and there on the pavement.

两只胖乎乎的巴哥犬在地上嗅来嗅去。Two chubby Chinese pugs were sniffing here and there on the pavement.

他那胖乎乎的身子填满了椅子,似乎悬在椅子的扶手上。His blubbery body filled and seemed to hang over the edges of the chair.

作为父母,没有必要喂你胖乎乎的小孩低脂肪的食物As for parents, there is no need to put your chubby baby on a low-fat diet.

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真正歌手杨沛宜七岁,她有一张胖乎乎的脸和不齐的牙齿。The real singer, Yang Peiyi, is seven, and has a chubby face and crooked teeth.

他们消耗卡路里的速度比胖乎乎的“苹果婴儿”和“梨子婴儿”要快。They burn off calories faster than the plumper "apple babies" and "pear babies.

胖乎乎的粉嫩润红,还有许多秋果挂在枝头。Its swaddle wraps and unwraps , a red Plumpness , more apples of autumn on the boughs.

我那羞红的、胖乎乎的脸也在门口显得很突出,门上的锁链仍然那样挂着。to see my own timid, chubby face sticking out, with the chain on the door still in place.

丘比特被表示为一个赤身裸体,长着翅膀的胖乎乎的男孩,并拥有一个淘气的笑容。Cupid is represented as a naked, chubby boy with wings and possessing a mischievous smile.

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王强宇先生胖乎乎,憨态可掬,人高马大,从身材上看,一点都不短小精悍哈!Mr. Wang is chubby, charmingly-looked and strong. Seen from the figure, he is really not'short'.

但为了成为一位完美R&B歌手,胖乎乎的刘心也许要多点锻炼才行。But to be a perfect R&B songster, the less-than-slim Liu may need to start exercising a little more.

小时候在布朗克斯,我一直都胖乎乎的,但我还会参加些运动——如少年棒球联赛,足球比赛,美式橄榄球比赛。As a kid in the Bronx, I was always chubby, but I was also into sports—Little League, soccer, football.