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米勒是一个久经考验的传球手和射手。Miller is a proven play maker and shooter.

下面就是一些久经考验的建立自信的方法。There are time-proven techniques to building confidence.

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巴基斯坦与中国是久经考验的全天候的伙伴。Pakistan and China are all-weather and time-tested friends.

批量折扣的价格体系既简单又久经考验,它就真真切切地摆在那里。Volume-discount pricing structures are simple, tried, and true.

他作为外交官的久经考验的技能可能尤为重要。His welltested skills as a diplomat may be particularly valuable.

世卫组织有强大的、久经考验的疾病暴发应对机制。WHO has strong and well-tested mechanisms for responding to outbreaks.

悬挂系统是源于一个久经考验阿巴特配置。The suspension system is derived from a tried and tested Abarth configuration.

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因此,演员选择了多重的名望,这种名望神圣且久经考验。Hence the actor has chosen multiple fame, the fame that is hallowed and tested.

电子邮件是一种久经考验的产品,但最近同样成为一个热点。Email may be tried and true, but it's also a hot area for development these days.

而这次,推动系统依靠久经考验的自行车式的踏板。This time around, the propulsion system relies on tried-and-true bicycle-style pedals.

房地产网站需要向用户传递一种可靠和可信的信息,他们需要让购房者感觉到正在同一个可信、稳固、久经考验的商家交流。Property realtors want to convey the message that they’re reliable and well-established.

与任何其他久经考验的学科一样,软件架构在诞生之初也面临许多挑战。Like any other enduring discipline, software architecture also had its initial challenges.

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在2180是一个久经考验的产品超过10年制造的,并提供可靠性令人羡慕的标准。The 2180 is a proven product manufactured for over ten years and offering enviable standards of reliability.

斗争的实践证明,我国工人阶级不愧是久经考验的立场坚定的革命领导阶级。These struggles show that our working class is indeed the steadfast and time-tested revolutionary leading class.

这里有我久经考验的朋友。如果你想引诱我去别处工作,你得出好几倍的薪水才行。I have tried and true friends here. It would need more than twice the salary you offer to tempt me to move elsewhere.

加强多边合作应该也必须尊重和发展久经考验的双边合作关系。Strengthened multilateral cooperation should and must respect and build on our already proven bilateral partnerships.

另外来说,现在看来,当时加州国民警卫队使用的行动标准以及训练方法是久经考验的。Also, in retrospect, the current standards and training methodology used in the CA ARNG were overwhelmingly validated.

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知名银行和金融系统架构里最新的创新技术以及久经考验的最佳实践。The latest innovations as well as time-proven best practices that architects of banking & finance systems need to know.

很多人认为敏捷方法背弃了成熟、可靠、久经考验的传统瀑布式软件开发方法,这种观念是错误的。The common belief that agile departs from established, tried, and tested pre-historic waterfall software development is incorrect.

阿尔斯通公司因此转而使用久经考验的镍镉电池,而通用电气正在测试钠电池和铁-氯电池。Alstom has therefore turned to tried-and-trusted nickel-cadmium ones instead, and GE is testing sodium and iron-chloride batteries.