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全国降半旗。Countrywide flags all half-mast.

数千人在天安门广场观看了升旗和降半旗仪式。A flag at half-mast was also seen at Xinhuamen.

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国旗降半旗为总理的死。Flags flew at half-mast upon the death of premier.

科罗拉多州州长比尔里特下令星期一降半旗。Bill Ritter ordered flags to fly at half-staff Monday.

这是个全国哀悼的日子,全国到处都降半旗。It is a day of nation mounting with flag flying at half-mast everywhere.

马德里的旗帜降半旗志哀,并安排在中午进行一次默哀。Flags in Madrid flew at half-staff and a silent vigil was planned for noon.

在哀悼期间降半旗的国旗在风中飘动。Flags, which were at half -staff during the mourning period, fluttered in the wind.

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在敬献花圈后,美国海军陆战队员将降半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

在敬献花圈后,美国海军陆战队员将降半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

例句汶川地震哀悼日全国降半旗志哀。Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of mourning for victims of Wenchuan earthquake.

他已下令所有政府大楼降半旗悼念遇难者。He is ordering flags at all government buildings to be flown at half-staff in honor of the victims.

布什总统一得知消息就下令全美降半旗哀悼。President Bush earlier ordered the flags across the United States to be flown at half-staff in her honor.

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降半旗,举国哀恸,以纪念一周前在四川大地震中失去的同胞。Flags are flying at half-mast and a nationwide silence has been observed to mark the time it struck a week ago.

1月9日,美国国会大厦降半旗,向亚利桑那州枪击案中的遇难者表示哀悼。January 9, the U. S. Capitol lowered to half, shooting in the Arizona condolences to the victims. Meanwhile, the U.

其他的一些传统包括把旗升到顶部然后降半旗,接着在中午的时候把旗再升上去。Other traditions include raising the flag to full staff and then lowering to half-staff, then raising it again at noon.

我建议在白金汉宫降半旗,你们也尽快回到伦敦。I would suggest flying the flag at half-mast above Buckingham Palace, and coming down to London at the earliest opportunity.

白宫和其他所有联邦办公大楼一致降半旗直至11月11日美国老兵纪念日。He ordered all flags at the White House and other federal buildings to be flown at half mast until Veterans Day on November 11.

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早在周一,奥巴马号召全国人民一起通过默祷以及全国范围内降半旗来纪念这些受难人员。Earlier Monday, Obama led the nation in a moment of silence as flags across the country flew at half-staff to honor the victims.

今天在苏黎士国际足联总部的中国国旗及旁边的国际足联和亚足联的旗帜降半旗。The national flag of China PR was set at half-mast alongside the flags of FIFA and the AFC at FIFA headquarters in Zurich today.

尼日利亚代总统乔纳森已宣布,尼日利亚将为亚拉杜瓦的去世举行7天全国哀悼,各地降半旗志哀。The acting president Jonathan has announced the seven-day national mourning for the death of Yar'Adua, mourning over their flags.