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烘烤饼干。Bake cookies.

我喜欢华夫饼干。I like waffles.

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酸奶和维夫饼干。Yogurt and Waffles.

这饼干很酥脆。This cookie is crisp.

饼干烘得很快。Biscuits bake quickly.

好了,这是你的饼干。Okay, here’s your cookie.

鬼魂喜欢夹心饼干吗?Does the ghost like Oreos?

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请吃点饼干。Have some cookies, please.

他在饼干上放了些奶酪。He put cheese on a cracker.

我们是否再来点饼干?Should we get some cookies?

在饼干上涂一层黄油。Spread a cracker with butter.

我给你带了蛋白杏仁饼干!I brought you back a macaroon.

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牛奶,酸奶和饼干。PBJ, milk, yogurt and cookies.

因为怀孕,我们买了咸饼干。We bought saltines bythe case.

这些饼干用塑料纸包装。Do you prefer paper or plastic?

他特别想要那些饼干。He really wanted those cookies.

饼干是一个情感问题。Biscuits are an emotional issue.

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他偷了两块饼干。He snitched a couple of cookies.

请自己取饼干吃吧。Please help yourself to cookies.

为了以防万一我们还买了咸盐饼干。We bought salt ines by the case.