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部队风纪良好。The troops handled well.

该部队风纪良好。The troops handled well.

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部队处于待命状态。The troops were alerted.

我们是新的猎狐犬部队。We are the new FOXHOUND.

你有儿子在部队吗?Have you sons in the army?

部队正在向前推进。The troops were advancing.

这是一支野战部队。This is a field army unit.

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把部队撤回来,就现在!Bring the troops home NOW !

你如何征募一个部队?How do you recruit an army?

我在部队呆过三年。I spent 3 years in the army.

这支部队仓皇溃逃。The troops fled in disorder.

他已经从部队退役。He has retired from the army.

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部队围攻城堡。The troops besieged the fort.

有半数卫戍部队在执勤。Half the garrison are on duty.

他催逼部队前进。He pressed the troops forward.

这就是这支部队的军魂。This is the soul of this unit.

你会加入360空降部队吗?。Will you join 360 Paratroops ?

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地面部队,也令人咋舌。Ground forces, also impressive.

他加入了伞兵部队。He joined the parachute troops.

你们部队的士气怎么样?How is the morale of your unit?