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那么给次级执政官多少?And how much for the sub-praetors?

好吧,他们还是打不过执政官…However, they're no match for Archons.

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它看起来象足了原版执政官。It really is like the original archon.

曙光执政官有技能吗?Will the Twilight Archon have abilities?

我们将会感受到与那个执政官相同的恐惧。We will have felt the same fear in that consul.

但当执政官望着柴堆的时候,他的内心动摇了。But as he watched the pyre, the archon softened.

在那里,执政官正完全失去了他们的力量。The archons are loosing their power completely there.

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执政官的力量集中在一个翼形魔杖上。The focus of the Archon force is a winged magic club.

他把维鲁斯·安东尼从财务官提升为执政官。He made Verus Antoninus consul after his quaestorship.

执政官没有能量或能量消耗技能。Archon does not have energy and energy-dependent ability.

而国会也在执政官的更大的影响下被贬的一无是处。The Knesset has been debased by the executive's greater clout.

你,卡提林,执政官和元老院应该让你去死。You Catiline, who the consul and the senate shall lead to death.

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其东端有圣马可大教堂和执政官宫。At the eastern end are St Mark's Cathedral and the Doge 's Palace.

生于贵族家庭,他的家族曾产生过几名罗马执政官。He was born into a patrician family that had produced several consuls.

你将得到同一种执政官不管你用的是什么圣堂武士的组合。You get the same basic Archon no matter what combo of templars you use.

西元前205年担任执政官,受命进攻非洲的迦太基人。As consul in 205 he won the right to attack the Carthaginians in Africa.

这位新执政官于1857年5月底到达堪萨斯,他在一次演讲中向堪萨斯人民阐述了他的政策。The new governor arrived in Kansas at the end of May, eighteen fifty-seven.

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作为妥协,百翰.杨被任命为新犹他地区的执政官。As a compromise, Brigham Young was named governor of the new Utah territory.

细心策划密谋以三个执政官取代督政府。A conspiracy was carefully engineered to replace the Directory by three Consuls.

什么都不会发生。你将得到同一种执政官不管你用的是什么圣堂武士的组合。Nothing. You get the same basic Archon no matter what combo of templars you use.