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我曾是他的总经理。I was his general manager.

没有哪个决定是总经理一手遮天。No decision is made in a vacuum.

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作为一位总经理,他应当任人为贤。We must appoint a new teacher soon.

“这里通风良好,完全满足需要,”厂方总经理K.K.拉梅申称,“没有必要安装排气系统。”"No exhaust system is needed here."

这是刘先生,我们的总经理。This is Mr. Liu, our general manager.

2008年杨毅受聘担任公司总经理。Mr. Yang was recruited as CEO in 2008.

抱歉,我是郎-库塞克,这里的总经理。Sorry, I'm Ron Cusack the General Manager.

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他给总经理草拟了一封信。He drafted a letter to the general manager.

总经理有权一票否决。The General Manager also has the veto power.

总经理将那名雇员降职。The general manager downgraded the employee.

您将直接向金陵帝斯曼树脂有限公司总经理汇报。In your position you report to the GM of JDR.

而现在我是个总经理了,嘿,丹娜!Now that I'm a general manager , say, Dinah !

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他最后成了这家公司的总经理。He ended up as general manager of the company.

王先生是我们厂的副总经理。Wang, the Vice General Manager of the factory.

同时决定是否与何时上报给总经理。Determine if and when the GM should be alerted.

他是总经理的一个早生白发的儿子。He is a white-haired boy of the general manager.

我听说您已提升为副总经理。I heard you have been promoted to vic-president.

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我们刘总经理提出的设想最好。Our general manager, Mr. Liu's idea is the best.

总经理今天不接见客人。The chief manager is not receiving callers today.

公司的股东并担任该公司总经理。Bhd . and assumed the position of General Manager.