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但结局却吊着观众的胃口,电影迷们殷切的期待着这个系列的续集。But the end of the story left audiences hanging.

殷切希望韩国早日遭到原子弹的轰炸!!!I hope South Korea was bombed by A-bomb ASAP! ! !

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党和人民对你们寄托着殷切的期望。The Party and people have ardent expectations of you.

盼团圆,是海峡两岸骨肉兄弟的殷切祈盼。And reunion is the ardent wish of Cross-Straits blood brothers.

无法诉说的爱情,却比能告白的爱情,来得更殷切。Can not tell of love, than to love confession to be more earnest.

老板可能要提携你,但别太殷切期望。The boss might give you a brawlotion, but don't hold your breath.

世界殷切期待一个充满生机与活力的联合国。The world is looking forward to seeing a dynamic and energetic UN.

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简霍普金斯采访了一些殷切的红酒迷了解他们的看法。Jan Hopkins catches up with some avid aficionados to find out more.

他父母对他的大学学习抱着殷切的期望。Ardent expectations were held by his parents for his college career.

我理解他们希望你作主要发言人的殷切心情。I can understand their eagerness that you should be the main speaker.

盼团圆,是海峡两岸骨肉兄弟的殷切祈盼。Wish and reunion, The Cross-Straits blood brothers ardent to pray for and wish.

法官深明社会大众对司法机构抱有殷切的期望。Judges are deeply conscious of the community's high expectations of the Judiciary.

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殷切期望能得到两位老版主的提携,翘首盼望曾经流连此地的老大侠们早日归来。Hopes of LaoBan two can get the support and hope once linger here as the old elapsed.

因为数字化技术在扩散,我们殷切希望各军种更好地相互依赖。We should expect the services to be more interdependent as digitization proliferates.

我们三个一起站在洗澡间殷切等待仪器指示线的出现。The three of us stood in the bathroom eagerly waiting for the telltale line to appear.

但皇帝提庇留和许多官员在帝国的殷切信徒的徵兆。But the Emperor Tiberius and many officials in the empire were ardent devotees of augury.

我们殷切希望在新一轮谈判中不要重犯同样的错误。We are anxious that the same mistake is not repeated in the current round of negotiations.

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我们希望你方将接受上述订单,殷切期待你方的试订单。We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial order with keen interest.

但是法比安表示他们肯定会完成殷切的主场球迷给他们布置的任务。But the goalkeeper is sure they will complete the job in front of their expectant home fans.

体现了中华徐氏分布在海内外数千万子孙的殷切期望。Manifested Chinese Xu to distribute in the everywhere many descendants' earnest expectation.