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给,穿上这件浴衣。Here. Put this bathing suit on.

她昨天买了一件新浴衣。She bought a new bathrobe yesterday.

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我穿着他的浴衣爬上床。I climb into bed still wearing hisbathrobe.

先生给您拿一条一次性浴衣好吗?。President to take a one-time bathrobe you please?

还没来得及擦干身子,我就穿上了浴衣。Without bothering to dry off, I pulled on my bathrobe.

他从浴室出来,穿着那件红色的丝质浴衣。He came out the bathroom, wearing the red silk bathrobe.

如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣之样子。Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous.

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也穿着浴衣,在查看照片,那是怎样的男孩呢?Also wearing a bathrobe, in view photos, that is what the boys do?

那人穿了一件浴衣,显然是刚从浴室出来。The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.

苏拉娅从浴室出来,丢掉浴衣,悄无声息的钻进床里,在他身边躺下。Soraya emerges from the bathroom, drops her robe, slides into bed beside him.

我记得我脱掉衣服,穿上浴衣,站在室外阳台上。I remember undressing, putting on a bathrobe, and standing out on the balcony.

时尚的客房设有皮革扶手椅、书桌、浴衣和免费矿泉水。Stylish room with leather armchairs, work desk, bathrobes and free mineral water.

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他迅速把水龙头关上,披上浴衣,匆忙下楼。Quickly he turned off the tap, slipped on his dressing-gown, and hurried downstairs.

前面的小美女靠了一下玻璃柜,里面的浴衣一晃,我还以为张根硕来了呢!In front of Little Miss by a little glass case, inside the bathrobe flash, I thought Jang Keun Suk to it!

她颤抖地站在门前的台阶上,修长苍白的手紧紧地抓着自己的浴衣抵在喉咙处。She stood trembling on the doorstop, a bathrobe clutched tightly closed at her throat by a long pale hand.

他生病时一副可怜样,穿着颜色暗淡的浴衣,头发也不梳理,就不怎么漂亮了。He was a helpless creature in sickness, not very handsome in a dull-coloured bath gown and his hair uncombed.

洗浴和水疗中心的特点是功能浴巾,蓬松溪水埃及棉毛巾浴衣。The Bath & Spa collection features bath towels and bathrobes made of fluffy and absorbent Egyptian terry cotton.

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我们甜水镇的女人都得在关得严严实实的更衣室里才敢换浴衣。Every Sweetwater female changed in and out of her bathing suit barricaded behind the firmly locked door of a dressing booth.

但坏消息是你的朋友拉尔夫用浴衣的腰带把自己挂在了浴室,很不幸,他去世了。The bad news is, Ralph, the patient you saved, hung himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom. I am so sorry, but he's dead.

此外工作室提供高速互联网,浴衣和拖鞋,报纸,免费早餐服务室和果盘。Studios offer additionally high speed internet, bathrobe and slippers, daily newspaper, free breakfast service in the room and fruit plate.