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而且有些方法不利于健康。And some may not be healthy.

仲裁对他们不利。The arbitration is against them.

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我们都会有不利于自己的习惯。We all have habits that harm us.

他的优势后来成了他的不利条件。His advantage turned against him.

这种制度对没有工作的人来说是不利的。Such a system penalized the jobless.

那将对我们双方都不利。It will be to our mutual disadvantage.

但这些短期不利消息影响有限。The short-term damage has been limited.

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其实,回家啃老对子女也是不利的。But it's bad for the returning kids too.

选举结果对政府不利。The election went against the government.

这些动词都表示不利地影响。These verbs mean to affect detrimentally.

凡此种种皆不利良好睡眠。All that would ill accord with good sleep.

户谷感觉到情况对自己非常的不利。The valley of his household feel very bad.

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抽烟太多对健康不利。Too much smoking is prejudicial to health.

排水不利容易使土地淹水。Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.

有耐心的人无往而不利。Patience of the people into a disadvantage.

比赛中蓝队越来越不利了。The contest is going against the blue team.

相互作用的能量是不利的。The energy of interaction is not favorable.

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一九四七年以后,战争开始对国民党不利。After 1947, the war began to go against KMT.

不利因素远远超过了那可能获得的收益。The minuses far outweigh that possible gain.

看电视太多对身体不利。Watching gTV too much is bad for your health.