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他们用凋萎的枯叶编制它们的船只With withered leaves they weave

一片枯叶飘落到苏比的膝头。A dead leaf fell in Soapy's lap.

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有些蛾拟态为枯叶。Some moths simulate dead leaves.

风吹枯叶飒飒做响。The wind rustled the dead leaves.

我知道了,你说的是枯叶蝶吧。I know you mean the leaf butterfly.

枯叶被风吹得到处乱飞。The dead leaves were blowing about.

这些虫豸可以假装成枯叶。These insects can simulate dead leaves.

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秋天的枯叶在你心头旋舞。Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul.

枯叶蝶真是因此而要绝对的绝灭了。The butterfly is on the verge of extinction.

让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!Like witheered leaves to quicken a new birth!

它们决得就像枯叶随着疯狂的飓风As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly

他每天清晨用耙子将枯叶耙到一起。He raked the dead leaves together every morning.

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象一片枯叶,因冷酷的风而飘落黄土。Like a withered leave, fall with the ruthless wind.

一种枯叶似的静止来自寒霜白雪的结晶。A withered leaf like static from frost snow crystals.

枯叶随着正午的热风飞舞。Witheredleaves danced and whirled in the hot air of noon.

一片枯叶飘落到苏比的膝头。那是杰克弗罗斯特的名片。A dead leaf fell in Soapy's lap. That was Jack Frost's card.

你难道会愿意在园里耙枯叶子来消磨你的星期天?How would you like to spend your Sundays raking up dead leaves?

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一片枯叶,飘于井中,荡起了涟漪。A dead leaf, gone with the wind in the borehole, Dangqi ripples.

他们用凋萎的枯叶编制它们的船只And they play with empty shells. With withered leaves they weave

妾伸手欲触,无他,但枯叶一雨滴耳。My hands reached out, but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.