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一个小年轻被他自己的椅子弄死了。Teenager killed by his own chair.

岳小年嘴上不说,心里很是不高兴。Yue small lips do not say, my heart is not happy.

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在他们母亲后面的小年轻慢慢摇摇摆摆走路。The youngsters waddled in a row behind their mother.

孩子们,在那种小小年纪总是母亲的再版。Children at that age are only copies of their mother.

我拿石头砸一直小年,但是却打碎了姐姐的盘子。I threw it at a bird, and it went straight to the plate.

2月6日星期六,农历十二月二十三,是小年。February 6 Saturday, December 23 Lunar New Year, is a small year.

这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?Maybe, but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material.

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因为她小小年纪的身体却注入了太多成熟的血液。Because she was still a small body but injected too much mature blood.

我是个布鲁克林的小年轻,头插一支粉色康乃馨,驾着一辆小货车。I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck, With a pink carnation and a pickup truck.

小年里,公司召开了总结表彰和团拜会。Small years, the company held a review and give recognition and the gathering will be.

传统上还有依职业决定小年的日期。The date of Little New Year was also traditionally determined according to profession.

不用再过多小年,你将可以与你的手机对话并获取信息。In not too many years, you will be able to talk to your cell phone and ask information.

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这些在联盟中混迹年岁不长,还不相信打盹作用的小年轻开始转变他们的观点了。Players not in the league long enough to believe in the value of naps began to change their view.

下面是“小年”的六种民间习俗,“小年”也预示着春季的开始。Here are six things you should know about the Little New Year, another sign of the start of spring.

这些学生小小年岁就踏入社会,没有一无所长,就业艰难。These students are at a tender age into the society, there is no skills, and employment difficulties.

此时离大年三十只有11天,离小年也就仅仅四五天了。At this time only 11 days away from New Year's Eve, also just four years away from the small five days.

幸而本人们这栋楼的人都是小年轻的,要不然这事儿还不得闹到法院上去。Fortunately, we the people this building is Xiao Nianqing, or else this thing has not went to court up.

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研究结果表明,在大年对果树进行修剪可以增加小年山核桃的产量和品质。The findings suggest that thinning during the on-crop year can increase the value of off-year pecan crops.

她的家庭相当贫困,经常住在帐篷里,她小小年纪就要干重活累活。Her family was quite poor, oftenliving in tents, and the work she was required to do at a young age arduous.

1942年,当奥迪•墨菲申请加入海军陆战队的时候,他还是一个5尺5寸高、110磅重、年仅16岁的小年轻。When Audie Murphy applied to the Marines in 1942 at the tender age of 16, he was 5'5" and weighed 110 pounds.