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老人斑也一一减少。Also reduces age spots.

减少投入市场的时间。Reduced time-to-market.

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询盘正在减少。Enquiries are dwindling.

这能减少水发的散水。This reduces water loss.

减少文件尺寸。Turn down the file size.

饮食中减少盐的摄入。Reduce salt in your diet.

帮助减少老人斑。Helps to reduce age spots.

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我已经减少用高档货了。I've cut down on luxuries.

软木制的天花板能减少回音。Cork ceilings absorb sound.

这是一个人口逐渐减少的世界。It is a depopulating world.

减少一些你需要做的事情。Reduce what you need to do.

您可以减少您的圈数了。You can reduce your rounds.

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减少对环境的掠夺。less environmental pillaging.

如果你感受到了,就尽量减少它们。If you have, try and reduce it.

不过它可以减少价值。It can, however, reduce values.

我减少碳水化合物的摄取量。NO01,2. I've cut down on carbs.

减少恢病。Reduces the extensive sickness.

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减少食品中的丙烯酰胺Reduction of acrylamide in food

坏事减少并不等于好事增多。Eing less bad is not bEIng good.

方法采用减少赋形剂的方法。Methods By using less excipient.