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以上所介绍的仅仅是对SourceMate众多特性的一个尝鲜而已。This is just a taste of all the features in SourceMate.

没有人会忽视她的存在,尝鲜者会蜂拥而至!No one will ignore her presence, early adopters will flock to!

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这道菜非常合重庆人爱吃辣的口味,也吊足了爱尝鲜的人的胃口。The dish appealed to locals' famously hot palate and taste for novelty.

经典的世嘉招牌游戏索尼克登陆FLASH平台了,大家赶紧来尝鲜。Sega signs classic game Doom FLASH landing platform, we hasten to Changxian.

急于尝鲜的购买者为了得到一辆电动车已等待许久。Eager early adopters are waiting months toget their hands on an electric car.

而上周开始,羊锅村里已有不少赶早尝鲜的食客。Since last week, many people have gone there to taste the pot earlier than the mass.

在那些尝鲜者看来,电子书的出现并没有取代他们原有的阅读习惯,只不过增加了一种阅读方式。Among early adopters, e-books aren't replacing their old book habits, but adding to them.

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韩国是个在很多方面都喜欢尝鲜的国家,它是否预示了未来的趋势呢?Does South Kore a, a country of early adopters in many ways, foreshadow the future everywhere?

不幸的是,急着尝鲜的该线常客第二天等来却是令人沮丧的熟悉一幕。Sadly, the scenes that greeted curious commuters the very next day were dishearteningly familiar.

这些蔬果不仅会分给白金汉宫数百工作人员尝鲜,还将摆上正式国宴的餐桌。The Queen's produce will feed several hundred palace workers and be served up at formal State banquets.

他认为,这与哥伦比亚市场恰恰相反,哥伦比亚的咖啡爱好者仍然热衷于尝鲜。That contrasts with the Colombian market, where coffee drinkers are still mesmerized by novel drinks, Munoz said.

不过在短暂的尝鲜之后,我的邮箱地址,可能还有更多信息,都留在了那些公司的数据库里。But ever since those brief dalliances, my email address, and maybe more, have remained in those company's databases.

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2011年,市场上将有40,000至50,000辆电动汽车,愿意尝鲜的消费者数量大约在200,000。In 2011 there could be 40, 000 to 50, 000 cars on the market, but as many as 200, 000 early adopters waiting to snap them up.

你们爱在这里吃,爱在我还没把新菜式添加到菜单之前尝鲜,爱把自己的约会女友带来,利用这里的怀旧气氛向她们求婚。You love eating here, trying out new specialties before I put them on the menu and bringing your dates to woo them with the nostalgia factor.

在短期内苹果公司只能告诉那些尝鲜的人们,“”你们已经买了它,并且无法分开它了。在用的时候站得离无线路由近一点,不然的话就放弃它的连网功能吧。“In short Apple is telling its early adopters "you bought it and are stuck with it, stand closer to the router or forget Internet connectivity".

若要找一条适用于任何人的参考原则,我不妨这样说,当你找到你的灵修途径时,就踏实地去修,别在灵修上到处逛四处尝鲜。As a guideline for anyone, I would say, when you find the spiritual path that works for you, stay with it. Don't shop around, do the spiritual smorgasbord.

据悉,这并非英国第4频道电视台首次尝鲜与“死亡和人体”相关的题材,早在2002年该电视台就推出了英国近170年来的首个尸体解剖直播。It is not the first time Channel 4 has tackled the subject of death and the human body. In 2002, it broadcast the first public autopsy in the UK for 170 years.

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最终,大部分玩家只能在游戏刚买回时开启3D功能尝鲜,之后便将该功能一直放置一边,不再使用。Eventually, most players can only be bought back in the game open when early adopters of 3D features, the features after they have been set aside, no longer in use.

第一场战役就是创造出用户想拥有和使用的产品和服务,帮助用户在这个不断变化的数字世界中去创造去尝鲜!The first battle is to bring you products and services you will want to own and use, to inspire you to create and do new things in this ever changing digital world.

这个群体中有一部分人,可称为“数字瘾君子”,他们居住在中国的大城市,年龄在18岁至24岁之间,是高科技电子产品的尝鲜者,每周泡在数字媒体上的时间超过28小时。In this group, 'digital junkies', the 18-to-24-year-olds in China's largest cities, who buy and use new tech gadgets early, spend more than 28 hours a week on digital media.