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我……,语言已经不能形容我此时此刻胸中千军万马的心情啦!I can't describe my complicated emotion by word now!

难怪这几年报考公务员的千军万马。No wonder millions of soldiers and civil servants sit in recent years.

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网上听到一点风声,千军万马便汹涌而来。The slightest stirring of wind online is enough to bring an army of commentators.

突然,酷暑的寂静被一阵千军万马的金铁之声打断,它们好像气盛高呼着“万岁。”There was a sound like a thousand metal voices shouting "Hail!" cut off abruptly.

“画山”峭壁面江而立,壁上似有千军万马奔腾。"Painting Mountain" cliff face Jiang standing Pentium wall seems to be a mighty force.

他们也可以成为指挥千军万马的将军来赢得战争。And it can also turn them to be generals which command a large number of armies to win the wars.

这个词来源于戏剧里的角色,一般由一群人组成,代表千军万马。This kind of role represents hordes of troops and horses and is usually formed by a group of people.

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让指挥千军万马的将军们用剑刺穿她,用盾压碎她。Let the captains of the hosts pierce her with their swords, let them crush her beneath their shields.

如果她是个男孩子,我们或许会感到欣慰,因为没准将来她就能指挥千军万马。Wanting to lead?If she were a boy, we'd probably all be applauding her for being able to rally the troops.

一个充满睿智与仁爱的举措的效果往往胜过千军万马的威力。The effect of a step which is full of wisdom and kindheartedness is always better than the effect of power.

基于此定义,也许你麾下无一兵一卒然而你依然是领导,甚或指挥千军万马而非领导。By this definition, you could manage no one and be a leader or manage thousands of people and not be a leader.

在二饭排队煮面的时候,那一群小蟑螂从那摊位的缝隙中钻出来,大有千军万马之势。In line with rice noodles when the pitch from that which Qunxiao cockroaches out of the gap in the drill, great mighty force with force.

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一句汉语俗语说得好,高考简直就是“千军万马过独木桥”。One Chinese saying compares the exam to a stampede of "thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of horses across a single log bridge."

目标阵地化为一片火海,千军万马以雷霆万钧之势奔涌而袭。Target position melt into an a sea of fire, 1000 army 10 thousand horses flush with the situation of as powerful as a thunderbolt and raid.

如何让餐饮业在千军万马中脱颖而出并保持基业长青,是餐饮业和理论界关注的焦点。The question how to make restaurants stand out above the rest and keep everlasting has become the focus of food industry and theory circle.

任你有千军万马也打不进这座坚固的城堡,即使你整个人坍塌了,属于你的那个墙角也依然耸立。You have a powerful army would not enter this fortified castle, even the whole of you collapsed, belongs to your that wall also still stands.

虽然1999实施的高校扩招政策为许多人铺设了通向理想的坦途,但就业之路却成了千军万马要过的独木桥。The increased policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many, but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more.

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但是他们经济的窘困,加上教授任职期的僵化,使他们沦为争过独木桥的千军万马。候选人多,但是现在教授都任职期未满,哪里还有职位呢?But their economical presence, coupled with the intransigence of tenure, ensures that there will always be too many candidates for too few openings.

固然1999实施的高校扩招政策为很多人铺设了通向理想的坦途,但就业之路却成了千军万马要过的独木桥。The increased enrolment policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many, but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more.

面对越来越激烈的市场竞争,企业只有不断通过创新的市场营销策略才能从中千军万马中脱颖而出。Face of increasingly fierce market competition, the company has only continue through innovative marketing strategies to stand out from the powerful army.