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传统中药何首乌具有乌须发的作用。Traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum multiflorum has the function of hair blacking.

火炬的光芒让罗奈特·康宁顿长长的火红须发似乎燃烧起来。The light of the torches made a fiery blaze of Ronnet Connington's long red hair and beard.

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和一个须发皆白才开始自己的事业的老头相比,感谢上帝,我还真是年轻。Compared with and old man who starts his career with a white head, thank god, i'm still too yong!

灰色底纹上,海神的头像——白肤,须发皆为深绿色海藻,头戴黑色王冠。The sea king's head, white with dark green seaweed beard and hair, a black crown on a grey field.

他答应不强求希巴女王共寝,但女王须发誓不擅取他任何东西。He promised not to pester the queen to sleep with him if she swore to take none of his possessions.

若关系到补料、订料时,须发物料PMC、编码员、采购员。Issue to material PMC, code programmer and purchaser if it concerns material complement or reservation.

尽管天寒地冻,但神情肃穆的老兵们仿佛在风雪中生了根,花白的须发沾满雪花。Despite the cold, but the veterans solemnly as if rooted in the snow, gray beard and hair covered with snow.

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他在苏格拉底死时二十九岁,但是大卫把他画成了一位老人,须发皆灰,神色凝重。He had been twenty-nine at the time of Socrates' death, but David turned him into an old man, grey-haired and grave.

王后一行到达顶楼后,发现里面空无一人,只看到国王剃下的须发。When they got to the top floor, Queen Sivali found it empty, with only the king's shaven hair and beard still there.

麦克道尔称贝克勒的跑鞋用的是美国航空航天局制作火星降落伞的材料,内置68根细如须发但比钢铁还要坚固的微型线缆,能把脚稳稳地固定在鞋子里,不让脚来回晃动,使这双鞋堪称运动员的“第二层皮肤”。Made with NASA's Mars parachute fabric, Bekele's shoes are like a second skin with 68 whisker-thin but stronger-than-steel

传说穆姆塔兹的去世让国王悲痛欲绝,几个月内便白了须发。The death of Mumtaz reportedly affected the emperor so deeply that his black hair and beard turned snow white in just a few months.

它们向上生长也向下生长,用它们须发样的脚趾攥紧泥土,用它们猛烈地牙齿噬咬天空,怒气从不懈怠。They grow up and they grow down and grab the between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth and never quit their anger.

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它们向上生长也向下生长,用它们须发样的脚趾攥紧泥土,用它们猛烈的牙齿噬咬天空,怒气从不懈怠。They grow up and they grow down and grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth and never quit their anger.

他被带到阿孟旺面前,须发凌乱,神情狰狞,两眼血丝密布,看去有如跳神大典上的恶鬼。His disheveled beard and hair, with his ferocious expression and bloodshot eyes, he looked like one of those demons in the masked dance rituals.

时而又来了他年轻时那些夭折的朋友,还有他那面带圣者般的蹙容、须发花白的父亲,以及在走过时却扭转面孔不理睬他的母亲。Now came the dead friends of his youth, and his white-bearded father, with a saint-like frown, and his mother, turning her face away as she passed by.

人子啊,你要拿一把快刀,当作剃头刀,用这刀剃你的头发和你的胡须,用天平将须发平分。Now, son of man, take a sharp sword and use it as a barber's razor to shave your head and your beard. Then take a set of scales and divide up the hair.

再加上青濛濛的火光,照射在五颜六色的须发、衣物上,炫化出奇异的幻彩,显得无比的诡谲。The bluish touch light flashing on the hodgepodge of hair and clothes created a strange phantasmagoria of color, making the cave seem incomparably unique.

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他端坐在餐桌上首,俨然一个须发花白的龙钟老人,一双视力衰弱和茫然若失的眼睛死死地盯着门口,脑袋略略点着,显然在谛听爱伦的衣裙啊啊声,闻着那柠檬马鞭草的香味。He sat at the head of the table, a gray old man with absent, faded eyes fastened on the door and head cocked slightly to hear the rustle of Ellen's petticoats, to smell the lemon verbena sachet.