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你们没有通过考核。You didn't pass your review.

实习生顺利地通过了考核。The trainees checked out all right.

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不要等到绩效考核时间才那么干。Don’t wait for performance review time.

首先,改进你的考核办法。First, improve your measurement methods.

这是必须通过考核的吗?Is it mandatory that I complete the workbook?

为什么GCSE考核一贯在变一贯在革新?Why are GCSEs always being changed and reformed?

验收考核均在白班内进行。The performance test shall be carried out in daytime.

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再次,改革“两课”的考核方法。Again, the reform of the "two courses" assessment method.

外科学毕业生的考核“真刀实枪”。Surgery learns " of graduate assessment " the real thing.

为通过考核的学员发放结业证书。The school will issue graduation diplomas to each student.

取消了氨纶织物弹子顶破强力的考核。Score out the testing of ball bursting for Elastane fabric.

业绩考核与责任感之间的联系The link between performance appraisals and accountability.

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基于工作分析的绩效考核体系研究。Research on Job Analysis-based Performance Appraisal System.

我们也应该根据他们团队的贡献来考核他们。We have to do all of that for their team contribution as well.

建立健全粮食生产考核奖励机制。Establish a sound assessment of grain production for incentives.

课程考核是电大教学工作的重要环节。Courses assessment is an important link of teaching work in RTUs.

在新的一年里,必须做个小小的整顿,所有现任闪灵需重新考核。I need a little space, so keeping everything up better than that.

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负责本部门在职员工的培训和考核。Charge of the departments in-service staff training and assessment.

报名前请先参阅个别技能考核通告内有关资料。Please refer to information in circulars of each skill examination.

他们的技能要和口译员经过同样的考核。Their skills are tested the same way any other interpreter’s would be.