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它是固有的。It's fixed.

它们是固有的,无法改变。They are fixed. This is it.

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橡实是橡树固有的。The oak is implicit in the acorn.

它有两个主要的固有缺点。It has two primary inherent drawbacks.

美貌固有力,金钱力更大。Beauty is potent, but money is more potent.

美貌固有力,金钱力更大。Beauty is potent, buy money is more potent.

边缘增强是静电复印术的固有特点。Edge enhancement is intrinsic in xerography.

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美貌固有力,科学力更大。Science is potent, but money is more potent.

美貌固有力,科学力更大。Beauty is potent, but science is more potent.

霍琦夫人是固有的魁地奇专家。Madam Hooch is the resident Quidditch expert.

滤色镜的选择必须利用固有光谱。Filter selection is made using inherent spectra.

期刊固有其自然性与社会性。The periodical has its naturality and sociality.

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这是人性固有的怪癖。This is an innatte eccentricity of human nature.

作者将强加于你一个固有的顺序。There is a sequence imposed on you by the author.

他们的新发现动摇了一切固有观念。Their new discovery unfixed all established notions.

冗余是人类语言的固有特征。Redundancy is an intrinsic feature of human language.

在一定意义上,这也许是一元论的固有困难。In a way, it may be the inherent difficulty in monism.

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它不仅继承了计算机所固有的存储记忆。It not only inherited inherent in the computer memory.

上迈扑山谷地区固有的和谐醇香。Harmonious balsamic notes proper of Upper Maipo Valley.

萨顿的科学观也有其本身固有的缺陷。However, Sarton's science view had a proper defect too.