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钦差见王发这么积极,还以为他是个好人。An imperial see Wang Fa so positive, thought he was a good man.

众人一看钦差大人的马儿死在了马厩里,一时吓得六神无主。All the people see the governors of adult horse died in the stable, frighten a dump.

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钦差痛醒过来,发誓说他若不死,一定要他们母子俩一起归案。An imperial pain woke up, swear if he die, must they bring together both mother and son.

钦差说他还撑得住,四喜便把神医老人请了过来。An imperial said he also hold up, four xi kept offering the old man to come over, please.

钦差见过四喜后又亲自到现场堪查,得出的结论是熟人做案。An imperial met personally to the scene after four xi as checked, do case concluded an acquaintance.

刘利不想让擎天背上杀兄弟的罪名,便抢先用刀刺伤了钦差。Bass dont want to let the giant back fratricidal crime, snapped up with a knife stabbed the captains.

招安时,李逵不愿受招安,大闹东京城,扯了皇帝诏书,要杀钦差。Amnesty, the Li Kui do not want to be pacified, row Tokyo City, pulled edict the emperor, kill imperial.

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钦差大人知道四喜遇到了非同一般的麻烦,便亲自送来一柄宝剑,还说要调大军来替四喜降妖。An imperial adults know four xi had extraordinary trouble, then sent a knife sword, also said to the army for four xi decline demon.

钦差知道自己身负皇职,必须要抓到刘利,便问擎天刘利的下落,擎天却抵死不开口。An imperial know oneself with emperor, must want to catch bass, asked the whereabouts of giant bass, giant is darkly not open his mouth.

四喜来向钦差告别,见钦差被王发的假脸孔骗了,急忙说王发只是一个势利的两面派而已。Four xi to an imperial farewell, I saw was an imperial Wang Fa cheated by the false face, said quickly Wang Fa just a snobbish two-faced.

刘利知道自己无意间冒犯了钦差,立即请罪,又说她是见不惯四喜与狐妖勾结,才大义灭亲。Bass know they inadvertently offended an imperial, confessing immediately, and said she is not used four xi colluded with fox demon, place righteousness above family loyalty.