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能说的,全是瞎话。That can be said is all lies.

说出瞎话,使坏人惭愧。Tell the truth and shame the devil.

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你以前告诉我的都是瞎话。Everything you ever told me is a lie.

要是她那么说的,她就是说了个大瞎话。If she said that, she was telling a real whopper.

她编造瞎话以掩盖事实。She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.

编瞎话是不会为你挽回面子的。照实说吧。You can't save face by making up lies. Just tell the truth.

他是家里最傻气、最轻信别人瞎话的男孩子。He was the fool of the family and the one who listened to tales.

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说点瞎话,妮可就可以让丈夫不注意到她对年老的恐惧。By fibbing , she avoided drawing attention to her fears about ageing.

我宁可病三个月,也不愿听你编一套故意捏造的瞎话。I'd rather be three months ill, than hear you frame a deliberate lie.'

我说是瞎话瞎讲,以为根本没有这个事实,纯属胡编乱造。I said it was a blind lie said, the fact that there is no purely fabrications.

当他爹傻呼呼地信了整个瞎话故事,她突然意识到自己太有才了。When he cluelessly swallowed the whole story, she realized she had a new talent.

人人都可能会时不时地说个瞎话,但并非每人都撒谎。Every person may speak a white lie now and then, but not everyone speaks blue lies.

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他要留在伏尔加河,一直等到悲剧降临,而戈林的骗不了人的瞎话在这一点上给他帮了忙。He wanted to stay at the volga until tragedy befell, and goring's transparent lie helped him to do it.

中国的审讯员揭穿了他们的瞎话,随后的审讯变得更猛烈和更具对抗性。Their Chinese interrogators caught them out and made subsequent interrogations more intensive and confrontational.

瞎话篓子比尔克林顿是最坏的人渣,他非常虚伪,贪婪,善骗的“光明帮”,而他总装着是一个好人。Bill "the Liar" Clinton is worst kind of slime bag. he is all fake , greedy and deceiving Illuminati who is pretending to be a "good guy".

你有遇到过那个利物浦的追随者敢说“你永远不会独行”这首歌让人恐惧或者这首歌是仅仅谈论历史的一堆瞎话?Have you ever met a Liverpool follower who would dare to say that YNWA is a dreadful chant or that talking about "history" is a load of bunkum?

而且,尽管中情局有所抗议,华盛顿官方继续说着瞎话,称他们两人是军队文职人员,误入中国领空飞行。And, despite protests from CIA, official Washington kept up the fiction that they were Army civilians whose flight strayed into Chinese airspace.

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我开始描述我的女朋友,后来她打断我说她想问的是有没有私人医生,顺便还说看我这饥渴到编瞎话的样子是得找个女朋友了。I launched into a description of my girlfriend, only for her to interrupt, saying that she meant a therapist, and the fact that I'd just made up a relationship was further proof that I needed one.