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沉积,蚀刻,再重复Deposit, Etch, Repeat

凯西,我喜欢这些蚀刻画。I like these etchings, Kathy.

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玛丽很喜爱蚀刻艺术。Mary is very keen on etching.

铜版上蚀刻了一个图案。A design is etched on a copperplate.

二是要使用一个良好的蚀刻抵制。The second is to use a good etch resist.

单独使用水不能蚀刻金属表面。Water alone cannot etch a metal surface.

老电影此后用于蚀刻。Old studio thenceforth used for etchings.

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亦是制造蚀刻板画的印版式的方法。Also, a process to prepare a plate for etching.

镜面,蚀刻,发纹。Mirror Finish, Etching Finish, Hairline Finish.

可能举行的最后一个人表演的蚀刻1937年。Held probably last one-man show of etchings 1937.

挂在墙上的是一幅精致的教堂蚀刻板画。Hanging on the wall was a fine etching of the church.

为什么不使用光蚀刻法制造奈米结构?Why not use photolithography to make nano structures?

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首先举行单人表演的蚀刻在悉尼和墨尔本。Held first one-man show of etchings in Sydney and Melbourne.

这些蚀刻画、水彩画和绢画真的很不错。These etchings, paintings, and silk screens are really nice.

蚀刻着狂热民俗场景的宋朝石雕梁?That Song Dynasty lintel etched with a frenzy of folk scenes?

蚀刻镀金德国钢盔奥格斯堡1585。Afine etched gilt German burgonet, probably Augsburg, ca. 1585.

了着色剂的蚀刻首选的颜色是蓝色的墨水抵制。A preferred colour of colourant for the etch-resist ink is blue.

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“从未见过酸浴的照片-抵制金属蚀刻操纵前”?Never seen acid bath photo-resist metal etch manipulation before?

在美术方面,用蚀刻版和版方式制作的版画。In art, an Intaglio process of makIng prInts from an etched plate.

这些蚀刻版画形成路径电在薄片中跟随。These etchings form the paths that electricity follows in the chip.