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利己心是最坏的顾问。自私非上策。Self is a bad counselor.

诚实才是上策。Honesty is the best policy.

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预防疾病才是上策。The best way is to prevent disease.

防御的上策为攻击。The best way to defend is to attack.

欺诈可能有用,老实却是上策。Knavery may serve but honesty is best.

欺诈可能有用,诚实却是上策。Knavery may serve,but honesty is best.

欺诈也许有用,但诚实却是上策。Knavery may serve, but honesty is best.

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欺诈可能得计,但诚实总是上策。Knavery may serve, but honesty is best.

牧民在草原上策马前进。The herdsmen pranced on the grasslands.

刚一打起来他就想到还是走为上策。Jenny was with child when she left Guangzhou.

今天你呆在家里才是上策。You would be well-advised to stay at home today.

刚一打起来他就想到还是走为上策。When the fight begin, he think it politic to leave.

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战斗伊始,他就想到走为上策。When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.

诚实是上策,我决不在考试中作弊。Honesty is the best policy. I will never cheat in exams.

我发觉生活中能保持中庸之道,才是最上策。I have found that keeping a happy medium is the best way of life.

全球国家共同参与刺激计划才是上策。The solution is for all countries to participate in the stimulus.

如果某种危险被夸大,那么不采取行动也许就是上策。When a risk has been overstated, inaction may be the best policy.

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“走为上策。”也许我父亲说的没错。"All that avails is flight. " Maybe my father was onto something.

瞒骗也许可以得手于一时,但唯有从一而终诚实以对,才是为人处事的最佳上策。Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

他认为对这个问题美国如利用其大国地位决非上策。Agreed it would be impolitic for the U. S. to use its big-power muscle.