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我出走那是半夜三更一片寂静。I went out in the still of the night.

当我到达那里是已是半夜三更。And it was already mid-night when I arrived there.

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要是半夜三更窃贼进入我的房间,我就会扔东西打他。Why are you getting up in the middle of the night?

需要一名翻译,半夜三更在一座陌生的城市里到哪里去找?a translator. In the middle of the night in strange city

他甚至是半夜三更醒了也要抽上一根。He would even wake up in the middle of the night to have a smoke.

要是半夜三更窃贼进入我的房间,我就会扔东西打他。If a burglar came into my room at night I'd throw something at him.

一起做晚餐,半夜三更给她温暖?Making a dinner together and have one frozen to save on the witching hour?

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所以他要在沙漠半夜三更,与这些恶魔孤身作战。And so he has to fight these demons all alone out in the desert in the middle of the night.

我的嫂子为了使我们免受这半夜三更突如其来的打击,斥责了她几句,把她带走了。My sister-in-law rebuked her and led her away, to save us the sudden shock at dead of night.

我会半夜三更起来出去,我会去干什么?Think about this – I would get up and go out in the middle of the night and what would I be doing?

两个版本中,都有一支歼灭小队出于未知的理由,要在半夜三更杀他。In both versions, a CIA strike team tries to kill him in the middle of the night for reasons unknown.

毕竟,我突然生病时是半夜三更。所以请再次接受我真诚的谢意。After all, that was in late night when I suddenly got sick. So please accept my sincere thanks once again.

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我半夜三更不睡,身穿洋装,和一位有魅力的男子在聊天,真是激进得可怕。I was up in the middle of the night and wearing a dress and talking to an attractive man. How terribly radical.

有时我们半夜三更去网吧巡查,看到学生在里面玩游戏、睡觉。Sometimes we go in the depth of night Internet bar go on a tour of inspection, see the student plays game inside, sleep.

在夜里喝得过多会使你在半夜三更醒来去上洗手间,扰乱你的睡眠周期。Excess fluids at night can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, disturbing your sleep cycle.

人们交头接耳,言之凿凿地说,半夜三更听见顶楼楼梯上有脚步声下来,还在宅子里四处巡游呢。It was whisperingly asserted that footsteps, in the dead of night, HAD been heard descending the garret stairs, and patrolling the house.

他也半夜三更起来,“像幽灵似地走到园里,躲在檐下与惊醒的褐鸟儿一起听着这雨夜的和弦,在回廊的清冷中‘倚着闲窗数落花’。He hid under the roof with those waken brown birds and listened to the harmony of the night rain. In the cold, still corridor, he would lean on the windowsill and count the rain as it drop.