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他们看着我,我也不出手相救。They're looking at me. I'm not doing anything.

最后是一位57岁的收破烂的出手相救。A 57-year-old rag collector finally went to her aid.

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但是当1979年诺哈伯公司面临破产是,瑞典并没有出手相救。But when it faced bankruptcy in 1979, the Swedish state let it go.

记得当初我在切尔西签他时他还是个年轻人,如今我的利兹碰上了麻烦,他前来出手相救。He signed for me at Chelsea as a kid and came to Leeds in our hour of need.

猛兽把孩子们逼进了一个树洞,迪吉一家又一次赶来相救,用长矛杀死了豚狼。They were rescued by Deej's family again, who killed the borra with their spears.

翠遇险,荣及时相救,一乘机令玥改善对荣的印象。Cui distress, and honor for a flight in time to honor to the impression he improved.

危殆关头,女扮男装的反动党朱瑾出手相救,赶走区管家等人。Critically juncture, to dress like a man of reactionary party ZhuJin shots for housekeeper.

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胡畔赶来相救,二人协力将朵儿送至登云桥秦坤手中。Hu pictureque came less, two people together will be sent to the heavy cloud bridge QinKun AD hands.

先前被扇耳光的那位一不小心陷入深潭之中,差点被淹死,他的朋友连忙相救。The one, who had been slapped, got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.

就这样,姜敏浩的父亲拯救了张洪洞母子俩,所以这次她才要出手相救。So, Jiang Minhao father saved zhang hongtong, both mother and son so she didn t want to rescue this time.

例如,今年以来非洲之角——索马里遭遇饥荒,挪威出手相救,捐献物资多过法德两国。It has, for instance, given more to alleviate hunger in the Horn of Africa this year than France or Germany.

大卡车即将爆炸,司机双腿又被火所伤,千钧一发之时,库帕夫妇挺身相救。The big rig was about to explode and the driver's legs were engulfed in flames. The Coopers came to the rescue.

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作为奥巴马政府出手相救的条件,首席执行官里克•怀格纳的职务已被免除。Rick Wagoner was ousted as GM's chief executive, a condition of the Obama administration's support for the company.

结果发现富龙真的在后门逃走,最后富龙幸得一位铁骑士相救才成功逃脱。Important results can really run away in the back door, the last important thanks to rescue a iron knight to escape.

陈真落入绝境,寒病突发,得傲雪以灵药相救,二人结下生死之情。ChenZhen falls into despair, cold a disease, proud to have snow for drug, the two men have the feeling of life and death.

酒店被重重包围,韩志杰在危险时刻,被上官蕊曾介绍给他的上海杨老大相救。The hotel is surrounded by many, Jeff han in time of danger, be ShangGuanRui was introduced to his Shanghai Yang Lao rescue.

如果固定汇率机制令一个国家陷入收支失衡的危机,那么IMF会出手相救,使其货币避免贬值。If a country's fixed exchange rate led it into a balance of payments crisis, the IMF would bail it out and so avert devaluation.

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小春的舍身相救感动了何花奶奶,她打从心里接受了四季四姐弟的存在。Doing more of less touched He Hua grandma, she knew the in the mind to accept the existence of four siblings of the four seasons.

还好新兵指导员反应够快,立即挺身相救,两人最终平安脱险。欢迎来到happy-yblog。Fortunately, reaction fast enough recruits instructors immediately to come forward is extended, the two eventually escaped safely.

在一次鸦片买卖中,南北千王被洪彪利用,幸得小棠相救。In an opium business, the north and south thousand kings by the Hong young tiger use, are fortunate enough to young Tang to rescue.