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有时候就是这样,别人的智慧能烛照出自己的平庸。Sometimes, like this, other people's wisdom to candles out of their own mediocrity.

古典小说正是在史传文学精神的烛照下,对史传文学传统的继承与叛逆。It is in the light of this literature spirit that classic novels develop and deviate through history.

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而文学艺术也确实有着烛照人类文明,使人获得自由的救赎作用。And the literary arts has indeed enlightened the human civilization, and help man free from salvation.

这些模式能典型、集中地映射出社会习俗、价值取向,烛照出时代的情绪、兴趣等。These models can typically reflect the society conventions and value, reveal the contemporary mood and interest.

总体上是在现代教育观念的烛照下,对教育现实问题提出一种探索性的思考和意见。Under modern education idea illumination, proposes one kind of exploring ponder and the opinion to the realistic question.

在这一系列的美学烛照下,他完成了自我对人类的精神救赎。Under the lights of these aesthetics'candles, he finishes the spirit redemption for mankind, paying the price of his life ultimate.

本文主体内容分三部分,全面论述了在审美理想的烛照下寻根文学作品中的审丑表达问题。Divided into three parts, this thesis overall disserts the issue on expressing ugliness in the works of tracing roots under the aesthetic ideal.

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显然是我们偏离了真理的道路,正义的光没有烛照过我们,智慧的太阳也没有为我们升起。Therefore we have erred from the way of truth, and the light of justice hath not shined unto us, and the sun of understanding hath not risen upon us.

在具有鲜明乐生情怀的道德理想的烛照下,整个文化都呈现出一种乐的色调。With the view of traditional moral ideal, whole ancient culture presents a brightly glad hue. In fact, individual existence is difficult to be closed.

拟从人性、文化等角度对这些小说进行烛照,以期引起人们对单位中某些消极因素的思考。The author attempts to illuminate these novels from the angles of humanity and culture so as to start people's reflection about the passive factors in the units.

作家到传统文化中淘洗自己的小说语言,务必要得到现代思想意识的烛照和其他文化的观照。When they refine their fictional diction with the treasure of traditional culture, they should at the same time have a modern consciousness and bear in mind other cultures.

民族文化土壤造就了傻子多重人格与心态,透过傻子我们烛照到这个民族的性格心理。The soil of national culture forges the multiple personalities and psychology of Shazi, through whom, the character and mentality of the whole nation are clearly illuminated.