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当时的人们更喜欢跳新兴起的双人舞。Dancers liked the new couple dancing better.

三个朋友高兴地跳着双人舞!The three friends are happy dancing the dance for two!

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这个极微小的双人舞肉眼是看不到的。The microscopic pas de deux isn't even visible to the naked eye.

大多数近地天体在跳了这种双人舞一百万年后,会坠入太阳。Most NEOs will plunge into the Sun after a million years of this pas de deux.

歌手的新专辑“,双人舞二,”也是他的第一次上升到那个位置。The singer's new album, "Duets II, " is also his first to rise to that position.

托尼本内特的第一次的“双人舞”的专辑,发表在他的八十大寿。Tony Bennett's first "Duets" album was released in connection with his eightieth birthday.

但本文认为素描表现恰似一曲感性与理性的双人舞。But in this paper, sketch expression is thought a pas de Deux of sensibility and rationality.

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先生们,如果你们想同你所挑选的一位女士领跳一场弗吉尼亚双人舞,你就得出钱去请她。Gentlemen, if you wish to lead a reel with the lady of your choice, you must bargain for her.

自2009年末中国银行业监督管理委员会对此现象采取处罚之后,银行与信托公司的“双人舞”变得更像是“圆舞”。After the CBRC cracked down at the end of 2009, this pas de deux became more of a round dance.

双人舞中不可打破的规则是,两个舞伴既是整体,又彼此独立。The one unbreakable rule of couples dancing is that the partners must move interdependently, as a unit.

庆典后,在萨加普拉姆仙女和王子做两个人的优美的舞蹈,或双人舞。After the celebration, the Sugarplum Fairy and the Prince do a beautiful dance for two, or a pas de deux.

啊,如今只能强制自己坐在这里当墙花,眼看范妮或梅贝尔作为亚特兰大的美人儿领跳第一场双人舞了!Oh, to have to sit here, a wallflower against her will and see Fanny or Maybelle lead the first reel as the belle of Atlanta !

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舞蹈设计者不但熟悉集体民间舞蹈,对舞台造型和双人舞也非常自信。The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux.

这种语言系统是建立在双人舞的基础上,每一个动作所代表的意思由一个“说话人”来表演并由一个被指引的“听众”所跟随。A language system, based on couple-dance, where every gesture performed by a "speaker" and followed by a guided "listener" carries meaning.

所以某些夫妇的双人舞可能出现问题——如果男方的信号不够强或者女方的系统过于‘挑剔’。That's where the dance can go wrong with some couples -- if the male signals are not strong enough, or if the female system is too 'choosy'.

女主角在表演这段复杂的双人舞时必须要让观众清楚的意识到她是睡着的。The ballerina dancing the part of the sleepwalker must perform a complicated pas de deux while making it clear to the audience that she's asleep.

不仅熟悉集体民间舞蹈,而且在涉及舞台造型和双人舞时也是那么有信心。The choreography isn't so bad either. The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux.

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乔安娜的研究通过不同的范筹和分类,围绕“可感知的矫揉造作程度”对双人舞的等级进行了探索和评论。Bosse's research explores the hierarchical valuation of partnership dances, with reference to the" level of perceived sophistication" within categories and subcategories.