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缪斯尼埃,我们要把你的听差揍扁!Musnier, we'll beat thy servants.

约翰曾给外交大臣当过听差。John has paged the Foreign Minister.

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如今便成了他的听差,他的狗,他的忠仆“星期五”。Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday.

狱长便把王尊当听差在身旁使唤。The warden put me in the side when the king who.

突然有一个穿制服的听差从树林里跑出来。Suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood.

一只大盘子直向听差的脑袋飞来。A large plate came skimming out, straight at the footman 's head.

秘书们和身穿制服的听差们步履轻徐,一如太平年月。Secretaries and uniformed orderlies moved softly at a peacetime pace.

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王尊当了几年听差,经常接触到刑狱方面的事务,长进很快。Wang Zun spent several years as footmen, often exposed to prison affairs, quick progress.

这孩子说,听见我们走进来,误以为是他那怠慢的听差来了呢。starved to death,' said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant.

船长紧随在他的听差的后面,立刻就走进来,把门关在了身后。The captain, who was close behind his messenger, entered at once and shut the door behind him.

在听差的后面,走进来一位遮着一张大面纱的女人。Behind the door-keeper walked a woman enveloped in a large veil which completely concealed her.

紧跟在听差后面的船长立刻走了进来,并随手关上了门。The captain, who was close behind his messenger, entered at once, and shut the door behind him.

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不知是谁,汤姆心想可能是约翰的听差弗雷德吧,把码头的灯开了。现在一切全能看得清清楚楚了。Someone, Tom thought it was John's boy Fred, had turned the dock lights on and you could see well.

盖茨曾在奥林匹亚呆过,在那里的州立法机构听差,也曾在华盛顿特区的国会听差。He lived for a time in Olympia, where he was a page in the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C. as a Congressional page.

“啊,我希望你死在阁楼上,活活饿死!”这孩子说,听见我们走进来,误以为是他那怠慢的听差来了呢。Oh, I hope you'll die in a garret! starved to death, ' said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant.

就在巴特比光临之前的一段时间里,我已经雇用了两个人任抄写员,一个有出息的孩子当听差。At the period just preceding the advent of Bartleby, I had two persons as copyists in my employment, and a promising lad as an office-boy.

孩子们周末也做一些零工,节假日当听差跑腿,和母亲一起到白人家后门卖水果。And they, the children, did odd jobs on weekends and through holidays, running errands, selling fruit at the back doors of white houses with their mother.

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那个放我进来的听差在房门口等我,他领我穿过走廊,到达一个通凡琪拉路的暗门。The usher who had introduced me was waiting for me at the door , and he conducted me through the corridors to a private entrance opening into the Rue de Vaugirard.

如果他们使用的是AIM,那么那些国会听差就可能在他们的电脑上保存这些对话,或者用拷贝粘贴的方法把这些内容单独存到可以列印或用电子邮件发送的文档中。If they were using AIM, congressional pages could have saved sessions on their computers or copied and pasted them into separate files that could be printed or emailed.

她放来放去,压紧,让听差和被她吸引也来收拾的彼佳一齐压紧盖子,她本人也作出最后的努力。She unpacked, repacked, squeezed the things in, made the footman and Petya, whom she had drawn into assisting in the work, press on the lid, and herself tried desperately to do the same.