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有话直说,不许你含糊其词。Talk straight, don't double-talk me.

含糊其词是谎话的。Equivocation is Number1 cousin to a lie.

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这是个含糊其词的问题。The problem here is one of equivocation.

政府的含糊其词让丑闻更恶化。Government double-talk deepened the scandal.

他含糊其词地说了到国外工作的事。He had talked vaguely of going to work abroad.

这个借口含糊其词,但也难以反驳。This excuse is vague, but also difficult to refute.

“我是在苦难中学会一些东西的!”她含糊其词地说。I have learnt things in my troubles, ' she said evasively.

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阿拉法特立即开始含糊其词,要求对条款加以解释。Arafat immediately began to equivocate, asking for clarifications.

他们对重大要点表示同意,但对细节却含糊其词。They agreed as to the grand outlines, but quibbled over particulars.

发言人对这件事不置可否,含糊其词。The spokesman slurred over the matter without giving a straight answer.

当被问及NCPH的实际工作,这些年轻人最初含糊其词,但最终自豪感占了上风。The answer starts out vague, but eventually pride gets the better of the young men.

我有点不知所措,就开始说一些含糊其词的话来搪塞。A little overwhelmed, I began the generalized evasions which that question deserves.

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他认为峰会可将达成一定的成果——不会仅仅是含糊其词的会议声明。He thinks the summit might achieve a reasonable result—and not just a vaguely worded closing statement.

“但是,我可嫁给了他,”茉特尔含糊其词地说,“这就是你的情况和我的情况不同的地方。”"Well, I married him, " said Myrtle, ambiguously . "And that's the difference between your case and mine.

我现在就想知道你的行动方案,回答我的问题的时候,你总是含糊其词。I really need to know your plan of action right now. You cannot be so vague in answering my questions all the time.

他把“在牛津受的教育”这句话匆匆带了过去,或者含糊其词,或者半吞半吐,仿佛这句话以前就使他犯嘀咕。He hurried the phrase "educated at Oxford, " or swallowed it, or choked on it, as though it had bothered him before.

假设,你同意组建一个新的业务部门,但是你老板只给了你含糊其词的承诺,说要给你资金上的支持。Suppose you agree to grow a new line of business with only your boss's vague promise of funds to support the initiative.

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但是要留意别的隐藏行为,像是他突然对他去了哪里、跟谁在一起、做了什么等等含糊其词。But beware of any other hiding behavior, like if he’s suddenly vague about where he’s gone or what he’s done or with whom.

中国这种说法是可以理解的,虽然有些含糊其词,却仍然被印度媒体广泛转载。Understandably, this homily from the Chinese, although vaguely worded, has received widespread coverage in the Indian media.

记者致电杭州多家豪车品牌,大多含糊其词不愿明说。Reporter sends a telegram to the Hangzhou many bold vehicle brands, mostly talks ambiguously not to be willing to state clearly.