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绿藻液颜色太深了,已经看不到水里的鱼了。The green algae solution is too dark to see the carp.

这是当地的龙,一只海生鬣蜥,它正在吃绿藻。The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae.

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碱性水孕育了一种叫做螺旋藻的蓝绿藻。The caustic waters breed a blue-green algae called Spirulina.

丝状绿藻具有典型的单倍性生物的生活史。Haplontic life cycles are typical of the filamentous green algae.

共发现浮游植物46属55种,其中种类最多的是绿藻和硅藻。A total of 46 genera and 55 species planktonic samples were observed.

但是绿藻不会完全消除航空公司对石油的依赖。But pond scum won't eliminate the airlines' dependence on oil altogether.

蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻是滇池的优势藻种。Blue algae, green algae and diatom are dominant algaes in the Dian chi lake.

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一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。An autotrophic unicellular green alga presents the minimum of specialization.

在完整的绿藻泛池的中部,肯尼亚马加迪湖中的红水在泛滥着。In the midst of a full algae bloom the waters of Kenya's Lake Magadi run red.

专家相信,这些生命最终会进化成为绿藻和陆地植物。Experts believe the organisms ultimately gave rise to green algae and land plants.

以前称为蓝绿藻,氰基细菌在传统上可作为藻类。Formerly called blue-green algae, cyanobacteria were traditionally treated as ALGAE.

在我们这个星球上,生命被认为是从绿藻样的化学混合物中发展起来的。Life on our planet is thought to have arisen out of apond-scum-like mix of chemicals.

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在驰马经过堤坝时,安德烈公爵闻到池塘的绿藻和清凉的气息。As he rode towards the dike, Prince Andrey smelled the fresh, muddy smell of the pond.

在我们这个星球上,生命被认为是从绿藻样的化学混合物中发展起来的。Life on our planet is thought to have arisen out of a pond-scum-like mix of chemicals.

孔石莼是一种资源量较大的大型绿藻,在我国主要海区均是优势物种。Ulva pertusa, a kind of marine macroalgae, is a preponderant algae in Chinese sea area.

6月22日,中国东部省份安徽省,一位年轻男子手中捧着满是绿藻的湖水。A young man holds algae-filled water from a lake in east China's Anhui Province on June 22.

中水里添加有益菌对绿藻生长有抑制作用。By adding beneficial bacteria into reclaimed water, it will inhibit the growth of green algae.

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与大多数蓝绿藻一样,念珠藻属含有两种色素,并有固定氮的能力。Like most other cyanobacteria, nostocs contain two pigments and are capable of nitrogen fixation.

蓝绿藻排泄出碳酸盐,形成圆顶状结构,从而生成叠层石。Stromatolites are formed by blue-green algae that excrete carbonate to form a dome-like structure.

海洲湾以南至长江口的黄海南部海域,几乎没有绿藻的分类学研究报道。There were no reports about the taxonomic study of green alga from Haizhouwan to the Yangtze River.