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哇!有鬼呀!Oh, on! A ghost!

我唔信有鬼依样嘢。I do believe in ghosts.

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你不相信有鬼?You don’t believe in ghosts?

谁相信有鬼阿?Who believes in the Boogeyman?

所以你们知道了,真的有鬼吗?So you know, was there a real ghost?

有鬼跟着你的女朋友。A ghost is following your girlfriend.

一些迷信的人深信有鬼。Some superstitious people believe in ghosts.

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汤姆,你相信世界上有鬼吗?Tom,do you believe there is a ghost in the world?

据说那栋旧宅里有鬼出没。People say that the old house is haunted by a ghost.

简说她信有鬼,我们都笑话她。We all laughed at Jane when she said she believed in ghost.

还有鬼抓我们的脚!?!?突然袭击!吓死我们啦啦啦!Ghost caught our feet! ?! ? Surprise attack! We were all shocked! !

田在天明白这事有鬼没有为难唐力。Field in the day understand these things ghosts no difficult TangLi.

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有些人说,它是一个已成废墟的古老城堡,经常有鬼出没。Someone said that it was an old castle which if fullfill with ghost.

如果你真相信有鬼的话,那个地方还真的有可能有鬼魂出没。If you believe in ghosts, that place may certainly house quite a few.

我可不信有鬼,但肯定有什么可疑的东西。I don’t believe in ghosts, but there must be something fishy going on.

宁可相信世上有鬼也绝不相信男人那张破嘴。Rather believed in the world fishy did not believe man that blurts out.

我的右眼仍然有鬼影,但它远远低于这是昨天。My right eye still has ghosting , but it was far less than it was yesterday.

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这就像一个自称不相信有鬼的人叫鬼故事吓得心惊胆战一样。It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story.

“妈说花园里头有鬼,”淑贞捏着鸣凤的手,用颤抖的声音分辩道。My ma says there are ghosts in the garden, " the girl replied in a quavering voice."

宁愿相信世界上有鬼,也不要相信男人那张破嘴。Believe rather to there is ghost in the world, don't believe a man that to break a mouth, either.