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无时无刻记住你的动机。Remember your motivation at all times.

风将无时无刻地怒号。The winds that will be howling at all hours.

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我无时无刻不在想念你,我的爱人!I miss you day and night, my sweetheart, Sheena!

他无时无刻,无处不在地显明自身。He showeth Himself at all times and in all places.

无时无刻都能听到商人的叫卖声。The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then.

我们无时无刻不在盼望你的到来。We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.

我不能告诉她,除了她以外,我的心里无时无刻地还装着另外一个女孩子啊!I can't tell her there's another girl always in my heart!

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我们无时无刻都在对抗地心引力,不论是生活作息或睡眠。We are counteracting gravity every second, in daily life or sleeping.

俗话说,“性于男人,无时无刻。”一项新的研究结果却颠覆了这一看法。A new study challenges the old adage that men think about sex non-stop.

度母的七只眼睛无时无刻都在慈悲的观着所有众生。Her seven eyes compassionately watch over sentient beings at all times.

在那里孩子无时无刻不在父母的关怀下成长。There, a child grows up under the everpresent attention of his parents.

那里的文化氛围就是人们无时无刻不在工作,So you basically have a culture of people down there that work all the time

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我对阳光十分拙笨,是以需要无时无刻的高度防护。I am very sensitive to the sun and need to have high protection at all times.

另一些”肯定“派称,无时无刻不在用这个词是一个时代性的标志。Another absolutist also says that the constant use of the word is a sign of the times.

在她的成长中,无时无刻不得恪守着阿拉伯传统大家族的条条框框。Life was strict growing up under the watchful eyes of a large traditional Arab family.

我们当中的许多人都尝试尽力去应对事物,并且无时无刻在寻找生活中的一些平衡。Many of us try to juggle things and endlessly search for some kind of balance in life.

这种事情无时无刻不在发生,这就是电影圈。And if you look closely, this scene was almost taken up in the film Hero, well borrowed.

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要得到幸福,就应当无时无刻不抱定一个重要目标。To achieve happiness, we should make certain that we are never without an important goal.

1天24小时,1周7天,无时无刻全可免费观看且容易获取。It's all free, easy to access, available within seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

就连雨果也很难搞定这个黑头发的小姑娘,一个无时无刻不在探索的顽皮孩子。Even Hugo could hardly keep up with the little dark-haired tyke, who never ceased to explore.