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这是一颗来自印度的经打磨后光洁的电气石。A polished tourmaline from India gleams.

用砂纸打磨这块木头,磨出一个光滑的斜面。Sand the wood until it has a nice bevel.

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锻打后并未打磨,有少量损耗。Slight weight loss with no polishing yet.

增强塑料表面用砂纸打磨、拉毛。ERP surfaces by brushing with a sandpaper.

这是打磨好的半成品。This is grinding good semi-finished products.

不产生废料、不需要打磨。It involves no wasted material and no regrind.

咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron.

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这是用来倒角打磨的所有工具。For the bridge beveling, here are the tools used.

这可是天然玛瑙打磨出来的。They are finely polished natural grains of agate.

管子内部需补焊打磨。The inside of the pipe needs welding and grinding.

对于打磨指甲你有什么好的建议吗?Qo you have any tips on how I should file my nails?

只要用细砂纸把它们打磨一下即可。Simply sand them down with a fine grade of sandpaper.

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是通过打磨分割层皮革的表面,使它变粗糙而得到的。By sanding the split leather surface to roughen it up.

用砂纸在塑料上悄悄打磨出粗糙面以便涂颜料。Gently sand the plastic to provide a key for the paint.

他清洗,打磨,直到它们闪闪发光。He would clean them and polish them until they gleamed.

每到夜晚,他都戴着一副小小的眼镜在打磨旧的硬币。In the night, in small spectacles he polishes old coins.

随着工人将木头打磨光滑,木屑纷飞。Tiny splinters fly as the workman planes the wood smooth.

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读书充实思想,交谈打磨思想。By reading we eich the mind, by conversation we polish it.

原木被装船送到加利福尼亚的圣安德鲁斯打磨。The logs are shipped to a mill in San Leandro, California.

用细粒度砂纸打磨,除去突起的木纹。With fine-grained sandpaper to remove the protruding wood.