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欧洲的数额略少。Amounts in Europe are somewhat less.

要求一笔大数额的汇款。A remittance of a large sum is required.

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据报道,他也得到卢比的数额。Reportedly, he also got an amount of Rs.

其他人则坚持把数额定得高一些。The others held out for the high number.

赔偿标准及数额。The standard and amount of the compensation.

国际贷款往往显得数额庞大。International lending has often loomed large.

第一,电冰箱的生产数额是14,500台。First, refrigerator production is 14,500 units.

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数额较大的仍然是理性的选择。The larger amount is still the rational choice.

如果它们上升,就应该往净利润上添加相应的数额。If they go up, you add the number to Net Income.

登记册将显示出我的数额,我必须付出。The register will show me the amount I must pay.

如果车程超过400英里﹐就要按里数额外收费。There1s a surcharge for mileage after 400 miles.

我重新发布了该项目较高的数额。I am re-posting this project for a higher amount.

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我在计算出正确数额的当儿,请安静一点。Please be quiet while I figure out the correct amount.

办手续时须交一定数额的手续费、成本费。A certain amount fee for procedure and cost are needed.

第一百五十九条买受人应当按照约定的数额支付价款。The buyer shall pay the price in the prescribed amount.

给你钱,请帮我凑出正确的付款数额。Here is the money, please help me make the right amount.

对每个人来说,一定的收入数额是免税的。For each individual, a certain amount is exempt from tax.

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佩恩在薄数额的灰口铸铁到水的影子。Payne's gray in thin amounts cast a shadow onto the water.

他得到大量数额超过他薪水的津贴。He gets a number of perquisites , over and above his salary.

当然你应当尝试争取谈到一个较低的数额。Of course, you should try to negotiate for the lower amount.