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是我的隐形眼睛包!It's my contact bag!

这就好比他一丝不挂的坦露在我面前,而我却是隐形的。He was naked. I was not.

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对隐形单位最佳用。Best used with stealthed units.

隐形战机?看起来就像是F-15飞机的复制品。Stealth? It looks like an F-15 copy.

那么隐形技术运作的原理究竟是怎样的呢?How exactly does stealth technology work?

我们生活在时间流逝的隐形走廊之中。We exist in an invisible passage of time.

这是一架隐形版本的黑鹰UH-60直升机。This is a UH-60 Ghosthawk stealth chopper.

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在城市迷彩中,人变得隐形。In urban camouflages , man becomes invisible.

于是让我们大家都拥有一双“隐形的翅膀”。So let us all have a pair of invisible wings.

比尔隐形回到家里,被太太逮了个正着。When Bill came home invisible she caught him.

让我们共同期望隐形眼睛可以帮助她们火眼金睛。Let's hope the lenses help them see more clearly.

泰罗尔和凯莉造的那个隐形飞船叫什么?Name the stealth ship that Tyrol and Cally built.

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这款全黑的Cr-48看起来像一台隐形战斗机,表面全涂成了黑色,没有任何logo标识。The all-black Cr-48 looks like a stealth fighter.

隐形术雕文的持续时间增加。Glyph of Invisibility duration has been increased.

此外,完善隐形技术需要时间。Moreover, perfecting stealth technology takes time.

因此,我在这里,陶醉于被隐形的年纪。So here I am, revelling in the age of invisibility.

至于中国的隐形飞机,到2024年会高达20架?As for China's stealth, a whopping 20 planes by 2024?

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对中国怎么取得隐形技术有什么猜测吗?Any guesses on how China acquired stealth technology ?

除了间谍以及探险家外有人可以看见隐形单位吗?。Can units other than spies and explorers see prowlers?

他们被完完全全隔离在这个隐形后院里。They were kept in complete isolation in this compound.