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我愿你在雨后水塘里尽情欢跳。I hope you jump in rain puddles.

哦!好凉,水塘的水好凉啊!Oh! How cool, how cool the pool.

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狗把自己浸入水塘里。The dog soused itself in the pond.

流水塘景胜似画。Water makes the pond more picturesque.

有个快乐的流浪汉,宿在水塘旁。Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong.

他夏天卖冰,而水塘就是造冰用的。Fenn was a man who had a big pond of his own.

难以数计的蚊子从水塘中冒出。They emerge from the pools in their billions.

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傍晚水塘里的公鸭叫个不停。In the evening the drake cry continually from the pools.

在水塘里养鱼,每天得割草喂鱼。In fish in reservoirs, a cutting feed the fish every day.

在她掉入水塘时,一阵清风将她盈盈托住。When she is falling into the pool, a breeze holds her up.

傍晚水塘里的公鸭叫个不停。In the evenings the drakes cry continually from the pools.

广泛分布于水塘集水区和上游溪流。Widely distributed in reservoir catchments and upland streams.

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一百英尺外绿洲的水塘反射着满月的光芒。A hundred feet ahead, the full moon glistened off the oasis pond.

我刚才在一个铁衫树篱笆围绕的水塘边,看见一只鹧鸪和一只知更鸟。I momentarily saw a partridge and a robin by a hemlock-hedged pond.

粮仓建于水塘上,具有防火、防鼠、防虫蚁三大功能。This barn is built on the pool can defend fire, mousse and insects.

了裤脚,纵身一个猛子扎入水塘中。Bottom of trouser-leg, bound up a drastic son fixed go into pond in.

一头羚羊顽固的游弋向一个小水塘,水塘的附近扎着一顶游客的帐篷。An oryx cruised doggedly toward a water hole at a nearby tourist camp.

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最后是有着大海即视感的大水塘。Finally, the third is a big pool with an indispensable view of the sea.

布鲁斯向水塘冲去,但车开到水塘当中,嘎吱一声停住了。Bruce charged at it, but in the middle, the car came to a grinding half.

河狸常常修筑堤坝,使水塘的水位保持不变。Beavers often build dams to keep the water of the pond at a constant level.