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他踉跄几下,向后倒去。He stumbled and fell backwards.

老人踉跄地沿途遛跶。The old man bumble along the road.

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老人踉跄地进入房间。The old man bumbled into the room.

的人沿街踉跄而行。A drunken man shambled along the street.

一个喝醉酒的人沿街踉跄而行。The drunken man lurched along toward me.

踉跄她拿出火柴扑灭它。Falteringly she took out a match and lit it.

有一天他看见了林肯---一个脚步踉跄的高个子。One day he saw Lincoln -a tall, shambling man.

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六个男人踉跄着走出来,看起来困惑极了。Six men shambled out, looking confused and bewildered.

目击证人称看见他脚步踉跄,神情呆滞。Witnesses describe seeing him stumbling and looking glazed.

在无光的黑暗中摸索,踉跄犹如醉汉。Without light, they grope in the dark and stagger like drunkards.

你可曾见过一只独腿的老狗徘徊在大街上踉跄而又蹒跚?Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making his way down the street?

我妹妹踉跄地越过我,丢下她的魔棒,哭倒在她的膝上。My sister stumbles past me, dropping her wand, and cries into her lap.

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他左摇右摆,像醉汉踉跄着,努力不让自己摔倒。He reeled and swayed, doddering like a drunken man to keep from falling.

铁匠的妻子踉跄地站起来,她手里托着一个磨盘大的奶酪。The blacksmith's wife staggered up with a cheese the size of a millwheel.

许多物种已经被逼入绝境,更多的如今踉跄在生死之间。Many have been driven to extinction, and many more now teeter on the brink.

那狼正踉跄着往回跳,因为虚弱一下失足跌倒在地。The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness.

包袱底下,正是那位步履踉跄的老妇人,她的脸像亚麻床单一样苍白。Under the buddle tottered the old woman, her face as white as a linen sheet.

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老人的双手惊怖,眼睛昏花,步履也已踉跄。The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.

同时,他自己却一拳回冲力的影响,踉跄地倒退回来,几乎栽倒。And, from the impact of the blow, Tom King himself reeled back and nearly fell.

他的步子有些踉跄,有时会被自己的脚绊住,重重摔倒在地。He ran slightly askew. Sometimes he’d trip over his own feet and fall down hard.