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提姆,他们灭绝了。They became extinct, Tim.

所以至今,它们没有灭绝。So far, they resist extinction.

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这种羊是一种正在灭绝的品种。This is a dying breed of sheep.

大海雀是种灭绝的鸟类。The great auk is an extinct bird.

但是忽视就相当于灭绝。But inattention equals extinction.

这样犹太人就不会灭绝了。The Israelites won't be wiped out.

那次耶和华也应允我,不忍将你灭绝。It was not his will to destroy you.

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卢旺达陷于种族灭绝的阵痛。Rwanda was in the throes of genocide.

CRT这条恐龙需要灭绝。The CRT dinosaur needs to be extinct.

必须提供什么来证明种族灭绝?What must be shown to prove genocide?

为什么这样一个持久的物种灭绝了?Why did such a durable species die out?

森林大火灭绝了森林中的全部野生动物。The fire dispeopled the woods of all wild.

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恶人一死,他的指望必灭绝。When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes.

今天发现的新种蜥蜴可能明天就会灭绝。New Lizard May Be Found Today, Gone Tomorrow

那些美丽的飞鸟正在迅速灭绝。Those beautiful birds are fast disappearing.

但为何要灭绝敬拜别神的人呢?But why destroy the worshipers of other gods?

如果海虾灭绝了话,用鸡翅根代替。If prawns are extinct, use chicken drumettes.

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武装先知都会战胜而非武者终将灭绝。The armed prophets conquer, the unarmed lose.

是我们早期的祖先狩猎导致巨猿灭绝的吗?Did our early ancestors hunt it to extinction?

近亲交配增长了灭绝的机会。Inbreeding increases the chance of extinction.