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我是个个性活泼开朗,大大咧咧的女孩。I am a active and frank girl.

约瑟夫大大咧咧地把车停靠在路边。Joseph idled the car at the curb.

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你大大咧咧的早晚要受惩罚的。You will suffer one day for your carelessness.

她是个大大咧咧的女人,总是把忧愁抛至九霄云外。She is a casual woman who often throws sorrows far away.

不要真的以为大大咧咧是一种美。Do not think that really is a Datailielie the United States.

她说话不喋喋不休,做事不风风火火,待人不大大咧咧。She doesn't talk endlessly, act rushly and treat people carelessly.

她是个大大咧咧的女人,总是把忧愁抛至九霄云外。She 's a careless woman, always tends to throw worries far far away.

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虽然有时也有些大大咧咧,但是内心却有点多愁善感。Although sometimes some woman. she inside, but is a little sentimentality.

瞧他那大幅度的行动和大大咧咧的话言,真让人又爱又恨。Look at his actions and Taitailielie substantially if made , people really love and hate.

尽管我知道她是个大大咧咧的人,但我还是不敢相信,他打破了一家店里的古董。Even though I know she is a careless girl, I can't believe that she break the antique in a shop.

这家伙真的是个外粗内秀的人,他什么都能搞定,虽然他有点大大咧咧的。The guy is really a rough diamond , and he can get everything right ,although he is a little bit careless.

而金泰熙则十分恰当地再现了大大咧咧,活泼开朗的女大学生形象。As for KTH she appropriately portrayed an outgoing, lively and cheerful image of a female university student.

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做为毕业生或在校生千万不可在面试时大大咧咧、疏于准备、自以为是、不修边幅。As graduates or students must not in interviews Datailielie, neglect of preparation, self-righteous, slovenly.

可能她是这样一个妻子--杂乱无章,大大咧咧,一会儿干这一会儿又跑去弄那。Maybe she's the wife who’s disorganized and cluttered, overlooks details, and flits from one activity to the next.

这就是我,一个性格大大咧咧,活泼的女孩,如果想跟我交朋友,就打电话XXXXXXXXXXX,很高兴可以认识你哦!This is me, a character Taitailielie, lively girl, if I want to make friends, to call XXXXXXXXXXX, very glad to know you!

他平常对谁都非常的热情敌对,给人觉得大大咧咧,又仿佛有点想的太多。He is always warm and friendly to everyone, giving an impression of casualness, yet he seems to be a little bit thinking too much.

首先谢谢您光临我的"小窝",性格开朗活泼的我散发着青春的气息,不拘小节,大大咧咧!First thanks your presence my " alveolus ", is cheerful lively I to send out the youth breath, does not arrest the section, careless!

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他这会儿的姿势和说话时那种武断的态度又一次突然叫我回忆起了从前做过的那场梦,只是这一回他走路时大大咧咧夹在腋下的那根扫帚把永远不见了。The posture and the determined way in which he blurts this out suddenly bring to my mind, for the second time, the remembrance of my dream.

虽说时值深度大萧条,人们依然大大咧咧地来到海滩,随身携带的硬币,有不少掉进了沙里。Even though it was the depths of the Great Depression, people could still be relied upon to take coins to the beach and lose them in the sand.

因为我们都属于大大咧咧的女生,所以我们经常一起做事,如下课在一起玩,放学互相打电话聊天等。Because both of us are careless girls, we often do a lot of things together, such as playing together after class, chatting on cellphone after school.